15. an epilogue

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Two months later

"So yeah, basically we saved the world" Josie giggled as she sat cross-legged in the grass. Reaching forward she ran her fingers along the engraved stone in front of her.

In loving memory of

Luis Antonio Diaz

Cherished son and brother, and a friend to all

He hadn't made it. Gone the day after Josie had left for camp. She had been distraught at first, thinking she had missed her brothers last moments, but truly he hadn't been living at the end. She had spent the seconds that mattered with him and that's what counted.

"You'd have liked the friends I made," Josie smiled a the stone as she repositioned her flowers for the hundredth time, "They're the good kind of people."

In the end, after they had been picked up by General Khoury's men, they had been heralded as saviors to mankind. Josie had been knighted, been in parades, and even been in a charity concert to help raise money to fix towns and cities that had been destroyed by aliens.

Not to mention, that saving the world had put her in good with the government, meaning that the gang that had hurt her brother would never be an issue again. This also meant that Dariush was able to help his father and bring his family back onto his feet. Alex had found his mother, alive and well, and had happily returned back home, always sending Josie updates on his life to which she always responded enthusiastically. A major part of said life was Zhenzhen, who was able to gain citizenship out of the deal and was already being looked at for some form of government training. And Gabriel...

"Hey, Josie" The familiar voice brought a grin to her face, "You're parents said you'd be here. I can come back later if you need more time."

"That's okay, I'm done anyway" Josie kneeled once more at her brothers grave before standing and wiping the dirt off her jeans. She turned to Gabriel who was giving her a stunning smile, letting him pull her up and interlock their hands as they left the cemetery.

It turned out that Gabriel's mom hadn't visited him in juvie because she had been offered a new job position in the town next to Josie's. She had been working her tail end off in hopes of providing a better life for her boy once he was released. While after hearing that Gabriel thought she'd abandoned him, she had immediately broken down into tears having not realized he'd feel that way, only thinking that he thought she'd failed him. Saving the world meant Gabriel did not have to finish or have an extended sentence from having escaped his juvenile detention center and was able to live comfortably with his mother. Along with this, he was also able to visit Josie on the weekends.

"So," Josie smiled as she swung their arms back and forth, "What's the plan?"

"My mom packed some food and a blanket, so I figured a picnic in the park?" Gabriel tilted his head inquisitively as Josie nodded.

"It's already getting dark," Josie giggled as they approached Gabriel bike that had a backpack hanging off the handlebars.

"So then some star watching too," Gabriel shrugged before sending the shorter girl a wink, "I only see you once a week, you gotta let me be romantic"

"Of course" Josie smiled adoringly at the boy. Gabriel climbed onto his bike and looked at her expectantly. Josie giggled and let her feet find purchase on the metal on either side of the back wheels, resting her hands on Gabriel's shoulders for support.

They rode over to the nearby park, Gabriel locking his bike to a nearby post and dragging Josie with him as they made their way to a grassy hill. Josie aided in spreading the blanket and pulling out the food Gabriel's mother had made.

Two sandwiches, a bag of chips, and a large brownie later Josie fell onto her back on the soft blanket they had placed under them.

"Tell your mom she's the best" Josie sighed, patting her stomach gently.

Gabriel laughed at her, laying down next to her on his side, "I'll be sure to mention it"

Josie let her eyes lock with Gabriel who had a soft smile on his face. She sat up onto her elbows and leaned forward, placing a quick peck on Gabriel's cheek.

"Thanks for this, Gabriel" Josie leaned onto the ground once more, staring up at the darkening sky watching the first of the stars begin to creep out.

"You're welcome," He whispered, staring down at her. Gabriel let his head drop towards Josie's but instead of placing his lips on her cheek, they found place on her nose before dipping down to her mouth.

Josie hummed lightly as she pressed back, pulling away with a smile. Gabriel smiled back before letting loose a loud laugh.

"What?" Josie couldn't help but giggle in response.

"Nothing, I just remembered what you said, I'm laughing because at least I'm alive and at least I'm here with you," Gabriel grinned, before swooping down and pulling Josie towards him for a hug. Josie settled comfortably in his arms, turning her body so that she could look up at the sky and let her back rest against Gabriel's chest.

Josie Diaz never thought much about her future, preferring the present instead of living in the constant state of fear that thinking of what was to come brought. But as she sat on that blanket in the middle of the park, leaning against the tall, protective boy she met in the mountains, she couldn't help but think that perhaps her future wasn't so dull after all.

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