
63 17 216

Hai hai

At this point, I've given up trying to find relatable titles for each chapter.

This is just a random chapter, without any reason, so if you wanna leave, you've still got time to do that. uwu

Lol, jk. Y'all are trapped here.



Omg. How autocorrected to hoe. It knows me. ÙwÚ

Summer vacations have already started, and I'm so bored already. I can't watch anime, cause data problems. My mom keeps shouting "Study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study study" all day long.

I just noticed something.

If you keep staring at one word for a while, it slowly appears creepy to you. Idk if it's only for me, but yah.

Liek, if I keep looking at the word "study" for too long, I feel as if the spelling is off.


It be like that

I had a dream this afternoon that the whole world got destroyed by the Earthquake.

It measured 11 in Richter scale.

So pretty high.

Anyways, the tag:

By paul_shinji

The level of screenshotting, y'all

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The level of screenshotting, y'all.

A moment of silence for the awesome picture quality.


1. Any scars: Physically, I have one that runs from the pinky of my left hand to the wrist, but its slowly fading, so yeet. Aside from that, none.

Mentally though, I've got many.

2. Who do you like: That's what you'd like to know, won't you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

3. Kissed anyone: I've kissed, plenty of times.

....in my dreams.

4. Coke or Pepsi: Both, fuck you.

5. Someone you hate: I've got a whole list, but I won't be saying whom.

6. Best friends: Not. Picking. Favorites.

7. Dream job: Graphic designer.

8. Ever been in love: Okay...how do you determine that? Like, is there someone who sends a message like, "Congratulations, you're in love with this person. So now ruin your life thinking about how you two can never be together."?

Smh, y'all who gets crushes and think they're in love. Smh, smh.

But really though, how do you determine if you're in love?

9. Last time you cried: Only a couple hours ago. Don't ask why.

10. Favorite colors: All shades of blue, except the light blue.

11. Height: I'm v smol. 5'2. cri

12. Birthday: *sigh* I don't want to tell, but almost everyone here knows it already, and even if I don't tell, some people will just scream it out in the comments soo....

2nd of April. Please forget it.

13. Eye colour: Chocolate brown.

14. Hair colour: Blackish-brown.

15. What do you love: Death.

No, not jk. I do love death. But I also love my friends and family. And good grades. And hugs! X3

16. Obsession: Ayato Sakamaki.

I mean, w h a t —

17. If I had one wish: I'd wish for me to not ne so worthless.

18. Do you love someone: Why you ask?

19. Kiss or hug: HUGGOS! ÙWÚ

Since paul_shinji tagged five people, I'll do it too.


K that's all.


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