I mean, I wasn't tagged, but I wanted to do this, so fuck you, Muse. uwu
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1. What's one thing that happened to you that made you a stronger person: Honestly, that would be me being bullied in elementary school and half of middle school. Because as soon as high school started, I started to not give any fucks to anyone. And I count that as being stronger, so.
2. What's one thing that happened to you that made you feel weak: Oh.
Nuh-uh. Y'all not getting that answer.
3. Where is one place you feel most like yourself: Mostly when I'm in my room, but I feel like myself among my online friends as well. :3
I lub you guys. :'3
4. Where is your favorite place to escape to: Either the bathroom or the computer room. The computer room is soundproof, so that's a bonus. uwu
5. Who do you think is the largest influence on who you are today or something (I can't English okay): No one??
I don't learn from mistakes, so no influence on me.
6. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be: My body. I want it to be thinner.
But I can't stop eating so :omegalol:
7. If you had one day— I'd first of all call every single person I had wanted to say something to but never did, and then tell them. Doesn't matter if that's hate words or love confession, lmao.
8. Which decade you feel you most belong in: This one. I would die in a decade where there's no electronics or internet connection.
9. Who are you close to your family? Why?: These seem more like questions on exams than a tag. That "why" really threw me off, bruh.
But I guess it's my older cousin bro, who's only 8 months older. He's my mom's big sister's kid. And whenever I go visit my grandparents, I really look forward to meeting him too. uwu
Although he teases and calls me short too much. ><
10. One person in the world who knows me best: Should I do a quiz too?
Fuck it, I'm doing it.
• Who's my number one husbsndo?
• Absolute favorite anime of all time?
• Favorite food other than ramen?
• What do I hate most in the world, aside front vegetables and maths?
• Would you say you know me well?
11. FAV quality about your best friend : I'm not allowed to pick favorites here. uwu
12. When you were young— I.....wanted to be a teacher.
13. If you could identify with one fictional character— I'm gonna go take a quiz on this, brb.
Nevermind, I got bored.
Y'all answer this for me, plox.
14. Accept or hate compliments: I like it when I get compliments, but I don't believe them. At all.
Doesn't mean I hate getting them though. ><
15. Favorite attribute: It's non-psychical. I like my sense of humor. uwu