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"Morning everyone, today we'll start a new chapter and that is 'Dr Faustas'. Does anyone have any idea what this is about?" Asked Ruhaan and looked around the class for answer. No one but Mishti had raised her hand....what are they, imbeciles?  His eyes landed on Mishti and he instantly looked away. He was so ashamed of himself. How, how could he hurt her so? Because you're an asshole! He cursed himself. 

He couldn't look at her, she was so innocent so fragile, and he had managed to corrupt even the most angelic thing! The very presence of him will be her doom. No, he can't let that happen. He won't! He didn't give her the opportunity to present her answer and started speaking himself

"Dr Faustas a respected German scholar, is bored with the traditional types of knowledge available to him. He wants more than logic, medicine, law, and religion. He wants magic. His friends, Valdes and Cornelius, begin to teach him magic, which he uses to summon devil."

"But why would any one use magic to summon devil? He could use magic to summon pretty chicks" said one of the boys in last row. Yes, asshole if only you could be there to tell him that!!  Thought Ruhaan, gritting his teeth. Their minds are always in gutter, he thought disgusted. However he controlled his temper and refrained himself from saying something rude.

"Well, the chapter is about Doctor Faustas and he summons devil, if a chapter is written about you, God forbid it, then I do not doubt about the number of women there. For now let's concentrate on him, shall we?" Whole class started laughing and the boy gave him nasty death glare you deserved it, asshole  Ruhaan proceeded with rest of the chapter and started leaving as soon as the lecture finished...

"Mr Rana, I have some doubts about the chapter, can I discuss those with you?" He heard Mishti say. Please don't do that, Mishti. It's already so difficult for me, as it is, don't make it even more with your hope filled eyes and soft pleas!

"I don't have time for your ridiculous doubts, Miss Khanna, and to be honest there isn't anything in there, that is so difficult to understand, even for a mundane mind like yours"  he said it without turning as he couldn't look at her, he couldn't bear the hate and loathing, he was sure of seeing there. He didn't wait for her to say anything and all but ran from there.  


"What an asshole!" Said a boy whose name Mishti didn't know. He was a back bencher and mischief maker, that much she knew about him, cause she had seen him getting suspended once or twice. However she didn't say anything, as she was in no mood to talk right now. She was too hurt and too dumbfounded for that.

"Hey, the name's Rahul, Rahul Kapoor, look if you're worried about your mind being mundane then you got a competition here, cause I didn't get a single thing that asshole bragged about. Nothing. Nada." The way he spoke, strangely enough it made Mishti laugh aloud, she wiped her tears and said

"I wasn't worried about my mind being mundane"

"Even better. Then you must've been thinking about killing that sucker in his dream, well you got your man Mona darlin, your Rabart is here. We both will punch him in the nose and when he faints we'll leave him in the jungle to die" 

"What made you think he'll die in jungle, don't you think he'll bully all the animals there according to his will and then rule them. If anything you're talking about making him a king, your plan sucks Rabart" answered Mishti mischievously, and they both started laughing

"Good point. Shall we plan his demise over a cup of coffee, what say?" Mishti laughed again and nodded her consent. Rahul draped his hand around her shoulder and they both made their way towards the canteen, unknown to the angry grey eyes that were following their every move.


Ruhaan was standing outside the opposite wall of the class and witnessed everything. He clenched his fists tightly. How dare he!! How dare that asshole touch her! She was his. Only HIS!! No one else touches her! He followed them blindly, but before he could reach them, someone called him from behind, he turned and saw the principal standing there, well, great!!

"Ruhaan, I would like to see you in my office." He ordered, turned and left. Ruhaan didn't have any option, he followed him begrudgingly.

"I don't remember telling you to sit down" said the old bat. And I don't remember telling you to exist!  Thought Ruhaan angrily.

"What do you want?" He asked barely controlling his anger.

" is that the way to talk to your head? Anyways, I'm not going to teach you manners here" yeah, don't even try  thought Ruhaan, bitterly

"I repeat. What do you want from me?" He was exasperated now, the old bat was keeping him here for no reason.

"Your mother called. She wants to meet you" he spat finally

"Oh, she does, does she?" He asked in a soft dangerous voice that gave him chills to Mr Mehra, the principal. He really is a beast, he gulped

"Listen Ruhaan, I think you're being too hard on her. If you only gave her a chance to explain, I'm sure you'll have all your answers and everything will be cleared" he finished

" If you're done then I'd like to leave" said Ruhaan abruptly, his face gave nothing, for there was no expression there, only the tic of his jaw was visible and if Mr Mehera had to guess, he'd think he was beyond angry.

"Look Ruhaan, try to under...." But he didn't let him finish, instead he stood up and leaned on the table between them, in that moment Mr Mehera actually feared if he'll be able to see tomorrow's sun.

"I AM LEAVING" he pronounced every syllable with so much emphasis that a sweat broke out on Mr Mehera's temple, he could all but nod. And finally the beast left

"Oh Go, what the hell did I get myself into!" Said Mr Mehera and wiped his sweat from the handkerchief.


Mishti was entering in the library when she felt someone's hand on her arm, before she could think anything, she was pulled behind the door and looked directly into the grey eyes of the man, who haunted her dreams these days. 

"You will NOT talk to him again" and before she could say anything, he was gone. If it wasn't for his still lingering smell, she'd think that she imagined him. What just happened? Did he really do that? She didn't know what to make of it.....was he, could he be.......jealous?? 

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