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Ruhaan couldn't believe himself.... F**k!! What the hell was he thinking, kissing her like there was no tomorrow!! He had no right to kiss her, touch her. She was a forbidden fruit and he had taken a taste of it like a weak sinner that he was! But now that he has taken a was even more difficult to resist than it was before, nor could he help the grin that was playing on his face. He could still feel her taste in his mouth. God, why did he feel this pull towards her, why couldn't he get her out of his head ever? A gentleman would've done the right thing by sending her away, then again he was no gentleman and like the greedy b*****d that he was, he has taken everything that she offered. And he wasn't even feeling guilty about it. Wow his life was a real mess now.

He took out his phone from his pocket and stared at her number, his heart skipped a bit, and there was a strange feeling there....was it beating too fast? Or has it stopped beating at all? He didn't know, all he could feel was, suddenly his hands were shaking and he was feeling cold all over....with shaky fingers he typed one word....'Hi' then erased it. Damn it...he didn't do hi hello!! 

He thought about what could he say....then he thought let her text him first, he'd reply....then he remembered that she didn't have his number; damn!! He again opened his phone and typed; 'Ruhaan Rana, here'....f**k!!! What was wrong with him....this sounded so arrogant!! He sighed and closed his eyes...and he knew what he'd write....

Hear my soul speak:

The very instant that I saw you, did

My heart fly to your service.

He pressed the send and closed his eyes....what will she think of this? Oh god, did he make a blunder by sending that? Suddenly his phone beeped, giving him the signal of a new was as difficult to open the message as jumping in a lake in the night of December- finally he did....

'When you depart from me sorrow abides, and happiness takes his leave'

He finally started breathing again, not realizing that he was holding it till now! 


Mishti was humming happily while fixing herself some sandwiches... Tomorrow was Christmas and she wanted to spend the day with him....with Ruhaan....a blush crept her face...she wasn't yet used to speaking his was so strange, yet so beautiful... It sounded magical.... Last night she'd chanted his name Like a mantra before sleeping...and then she'd woken up chanting it again.... Wow, now she was officially crazy!! She wondered if he was feeling the same, the chided herself for even considering it....'he isn't crazy Mishti'..!! He had quoted Shakespeare to her...and she too had quoted the first thing that came to her mind...she dialed his number..... Then shut her phone...what if he thought she was so desperate? What if he snapped at her for disturbing him? Well, if he snapped then she'd snap back! She dialed his number again and showing the courage of a warrior called him... It started ringing and her heart beating.... Fast, faster, faster...."hello" came his deep husky voice, the voice that kept her awake in the nights...the voice she heard when she read a romantic novel, the voice that melted her heart and froze her blood at the same time...

"You gonna speak anytime soon or am I to just enjoy the sound of your breathing" his amusing voice brought her out of her reverie

"Iwaswonderingifyou'dliketospendthedaywithmetomorrow?" There she'd said it..!

"What?" Couldn't he understand? 


"Slow down will you? I can't understand a single word" she was tempted to ask him if English was too much for his understanding, the way he had in their first class, but wisely kept her mouth shut....why wake the dragon right? But it was so difficult to ask him out and he wasn't making it any easier for her!!

"It's nothing, I had some doubts on a chapter we did in last class and wanted to discuss it with you" she snapped at him, as if it was his fault that she couldn't ask him out....damn!!

"Really?" He sounded as if he didn't believe her for a minute, jerk!! 

"Yes really!!" She snapped again

"Okay, ask away" he said amusingly.... Taking pleasure in her discomfort.... Double jerk!!

"Well, I forgot!!" She sounded like a kid, a sulky little kid who couldn't get the attention of her mum, no matter how much she tried.

"Okay, whatever you say kid" he sounded so teasing, she could imagine him smirking and she wanted to wipe that smirk off, and she was no kid!!

"I'm not a kid!! And I don't want to talk to you! I'm busy so stop bothering me!!" She snapped at him, forgetting that it was she who has called him, not the other way around

"Okay" he sounded as if he was trying to control his laughter and was failing miserably....again the jerk!!

"Well, bye!!"

"Bye" that's it...just like that? "And Misht?"

"What?" She still sounded sulky

"I'd love to spend the day with you tomorrow"

"Wha..." He didn't give her time to finish

"Be ready at 9 in the morning... I'll pick you up"

"You will?" She asked stupidly

"Would you rather if I didn't?"

"No, no...I mean yes....I mean no...shit...I mean..."

"Be ready baby, bye" and he hung up.

Okay, she was gonna swoon....what just happened? Damn swooning.... She was gonna dance...yes, dancing was more like it...she was going to be with Ruhaan Rana....she was going to spend the whole day with him.....OH MY GOD.....!!

To be continued......

Now, I know it was short....I will update the rest tomorrow.... Pakka💜💜💜😍😍😍

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