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Christmas was on the way and everyone was leaving for holly days, but Mishti had decided to stay here as her parents were going to London to meet her brother Ansh, who was studying there and had insisted on them joining him there, they'd of course wanted her to accompany them too, but exams were only a month and half ahead so she'd denied, which led her brother not talking to her, but she wasn't much worried about that, as being mad at her for petty reasons was Ansh's favourite game, she knew he'll come around once he saw what gift she'd sent him.            

She put on a casual white tee shirt and jeans and got ready for college, even college was almost empty these was just eight days for Christmas and everyone had stopped coming, you'd see only two or three people in the corridor, and those too were just staff members, students have mostly left for holly days. But she didn't care, she'd go there until they put closed sign on the gates, which they won't do cause college's library was always open. Even the librarian, Miss Margery was pissed at her, because she had to open the library for her only, when there was no other students. 

She reached the library and was starting with her study when Miss Margery came to her and informed her that she won't be around for a while and she locked the doors if she decided to leave, Mishti agreed and started started with her studies. She was so absorbed that she didn't hear the footsteps approaching her, nor did she hear it when someone cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Do you have hearing aid? I can suggest some ear specialist if you do!" Said Ruhaan irritably and quite loudly, loud enough that his voice echoed through the walls. A gasp left from Mishti's mouth and she put her hand on her chest. She looked terrified, Ruhaan cursed his temper.

"You scared the hell out of me!" She accused. They say attack is the best defense, and Ruhaan fully believed in it, so he launched his defense, in the form of attack

"Well, I don't see what was there to be scared of, or perhaps you were expecting someone else?" He sneered at her. Mishti couldn't believe this, what the hell was his problem! It was their first encounter after he had cornered her in the library and had vanished before she could so much as open her mouth and now he had the nerve to insult her! That beast!! She closed her eyes, counted to ten and then spoke with patience of a saint

"Did you have some work here professor, or insulting me is a favourite time pass of yours?" It irked Ruhaan even more, why would she think he insulted her! Because you did, asshole!! But he couldn't very well accept the defeat, yet. He wanted to tell her that he never insults anyone, but it was so blatant a lie that even a meek wouldn't believe it, so he tried another tactic

"You still didn't answer my question, were you expecting someone else?"  He leaned down, put his hands on the sides of her chair and looked directly into her eyes. Those chocolate brown eyes of hers........He wanted to drown in them, they were like ocean, deep ocean where he could drown and forget every sorrow, every suffering. Where there would be no sin or sinners, where he could live a life, he didn't even dare dreaming about. He heard her gasp and came out of the ocean, he hadn't realized that he had come so close to her, there noses were almost touching and he could feel her warm breath on his face, damn if he didn't want to taste those plump rosy lips. He was willing to die hundred deaths for just a taste of her. But even in his hazy state, he didn't want to force himself on her, he started retreating but she whimpered and he knew she wanted that taste too. She was like a forbidden fruit to him, he knew this one taste will be his exile from Eden, he knew devil was tempting him with this apple and like Eve, he was going to  taste it too. The only difference was, he never lived in Eden, for he was always in hell, and now he was going to seal his sojourn there, and with that he took that taste.

Mishti saw his conflicting expression and for a minute she thought he was going to rebuff her but then his control snapped and he gently, so gently brushed his lips on was so light.... So feathery that she almost thought it didn't happen at all, but he did it again, and this time with a little pressure, it was magic.....she was floating...... And again, he kept doing it again and if he wanted to let go, but couldn't will himself to, as if he wanted to do more but he wasn't allowing himself to. She liberated him from his dilemma by grasping the front of his shirt and pulling him closer, it was all he needed, for as soon as she pulled him closer, he opened her mouth with his tongue. Mishti gasped as she felt his warm tongue in her mouth, he was licking every inch of her mouth and it felt heavenly, she never wanted him to stop, she pulled him even more close, as close as it was possible for one human to be with another. Somehow he was kneeling and she was sitting at the edge of the chair, his one hand on her neck, caressing it and other on her waist, pulling her to him. After an eternity which only felt Like a moment, he broke the kiss, but didn't let go of her, he touched their foreheads together. They had both their eyes closed and both of them were panting.

"I'm going hell for this" he whispered against her lips, more to himself than to her. She opened her eyes and looked at his pained expression and said 

"Hell, it is then, at least we shall be together there" he was looking at her with an expression of awe and wonder,she smiled at him and kissed both his cheeks, trying to convey her emotions through that kiss, trying to convey her love through this, although she didn't yet know it herself, but Mishti Khanna had fallen in love with Ruhaan Rana the moment she'd heard his voice, she'd fallen in love with him even before her eyes landed on him. All that remained now was how far she was willing to go for this love.....well, she was Willing to die for this love, that has to count to something, right?

To be continued.........

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