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Mishti was so engrossed in her studies that she didn't realize that it was way past college time. She looked at her watch; hmm...5:30 already... Does the time fly? She asked herself amusingly. She packed her bag and found her way out of the library, only when she reached the corridor, did she realize that it was raining too. Well, great! The walls of library were so thick that she didn't hear any sound of rain. And you had ear buds on too, you dumbo! She reminded herself. 

Ruhaan hated rains. No, he loathed it! He would've gone long, had it not been for the stupid staff meeting, the principle had insisted on attending. On the top of that he hadn't brought umbrella cause there was no chance of raining today! Bloody unpredictable weather! He cursed under his breath. Half running, half walking, he reached his car and started the engine. He'd barely crossed the college campus when he saw a girl....she was struggling to make her way without tripping and falling, and she was swaying like a drunkard. He could understand that, the wind was blowing like a devil!

 He stopped his car when he neared her and opened the window a little;"Get in" he shouted above the wind. The girl turned to face him, and his breath caught in his chest. Mishti. What the hell was she doing here, in the middle of the street? In this weather! It was way past college time, for god sake!She looked at him, an expression of utter disbelief came to her pretty face and she turned so abruptly and started walking away as fast as she could. What the hell...! Cursed Ruhaan and got out of the car himself and started following her in long hurried strides. 

It didn't take him long to reach her. He caught her hand and stopped her."Are you bloody deaf? I told you to get in!" He said, coming dangerously close to her."An I didn't say anything, did I? That means I don't want to. Now let go of my hand" said Mishti haughtily, and tried to free her hand from his iron grasp. But alas..! It was an iron grasp!"Either get in, or I'll carry you myself" he said, coming even more close to her. She couldn't take her eyes off him. Rain was pouring over his face and his hair was all plastered on his forehead. In that moment he looked like a warrior to her. A warrior, who would fight till his last breath to get what he wanted. She knew she had to succumb to his demand or he'll do exactly what he said he will. She noded reluctantly, but he still didn't leave her hand, instead he took her to his car...all the while holding her hand as if she were a child and will run to make more mischief, as soon as he left hr hand. 

He opened the door and seated her. He WAS treating her like a child! She didn't like it one bit."What were you doing here in the middle of the street, in this weather?" She didn't reply."Coming from a date?" He asked again, gritting his teeth. His jaw was so tightly shut that she feared he might break it. Still, she didn't say anything."Answer me, damn it!!" He all but shouted at her and succeeded in getting a startled reaction out of her. She calmed herself a little and said.."What do you care, PROFESSOR?" she emphasised the word "professor" a little too much and he didn't like it."I care a damn of what you do, Miss Khanna, I just asked because it was expected of me" he said casually. Ouch...!! But his words hurt her more than she cared to admit."Well, in that case you're free cause I don't expect anything from you PROFESSOR" she replied equally casually. Well, two could play a game! 

He didn't say anything for the rest of the way, except asking her address, which she gave him, begrudgingly. When they reached her apartment, he stopped the car but still didn't utter a single word. Well, she didn't care either! She started to open the door to go but she stopped, her parents had taught her manners and she didn't want to belittle them by not showing those manners."Thank you" she said politely"Hmm" was his only reply. What the hell was he sulking about, she thought exasperated! 

"Do you wanna come up for coffee or something?" She tried to sound less optimistic about it. Only God knows if she succeeded."No" he gave her a one word answer. "Okay" she tried not to show him how much his answer had disappointed her.

 She'd barely gotten inside and closed the door when her doorbell rang. Who is it now? She thought and went to open the door. There standing was the man who had just denied her without a second thought. What'd he want now?"A cup of coffee might be a good idea, if your offer is still on" he said looking anywhere but her. For the first time she thought he looked uncomfortable, but she didn't point that out to him, a man like him would definitely take it on his ego if she said he looked uncomfortable, so, she wisely kept her mouth shut."It's on. Come on in" she smiled at him sweetly and invited him inside.

To be continued.....

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