~Chapter 4~

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~Jinx pov~

My eyes shot open as I heard that voice. I was thanking the gods in my head but, I wasn't out of the woods just yet. Still struggling to get out of the man's grasp, he turned around and looked around where he thought LJ's voice was coming from.

"Who's there?" the man asked in a drunken tone.
I could smell the alcohol dripping from his breath. It made me sick.
My thoughts were then interupted by a sickening,evil, laugh.

"Why, wouldn't you like to know," I heard him say with a scoff. He sounded pissed. Which, confused me.
Why would he be upset that someone wants to off me?
Was it because he wanted to do it himself?
Was he just fucking with me?
I didn't even know if i should trust him or not... I'm not even sure of what he is.

"Answer me you bloody faggot!" the man yelled, hardening his grip on me, he moved his hand from my mouth as he went to grab something from his back poket. With one arm wrapped around me, I took this chance and kicked him hard in the knee, and head butting him.

Surpriseinlgly enough, this actually worked. Thank god.
I mean, he is drunk from what I can tell. So that must have something to do with it.
I quickly ran forward doing my best to get away from him, when I felt another set of arms reach out for me. I squeeled slightly, doing my best not to scream, I didn't want to disturb any other houses near by.

"Hush you," I heard LJ whisper to me, setting me down by a tree. "Now, be quite or he's gonna kill you. Let me handle this," I couldn't really see his face but he was serious.
"I'll be right back don't worry"

With that he wasn't there anymore, he just 'poofed' and black smoke was now where he once stood.

"Where the fuck are you?!"

I sat there at the foot of the tree, shaking. It was cold and the snow on the floor didn't help. I looked up all around me, then all of a sudden, the near by street lights all went out.

I froze.

Then, just I heard footsteps nearing where I was at, a familiar tune of 'pop goes the weasel' began to play. I was now extremely confused.
Jack what the hell are you doing.

"Huh? Da fuck is that racket then?" I heard him say, just as confused as I was. He began to walk towards it, which was away from me more by the swings.

I heard LJ's distorted laughter.
It sent chills up my spine.

"Oh, Michael~" I heard LJ call out. So that was his name-

Wait. How did he know his name and I didn't??

"Who's there?! How the fuck do you know my name?! Show yourself you coward!!," Michael yelled almost screaming.
A light turned on right above Michael, acting as a spot light. I could see him clearly from where I was at. I doubted he could see me.
I didn't notice it at first, but, LJ was standing right behind the light post. It was almost nearly impossible to see him becuase of how dark it was.

"Behind you~"

~3rd person pov~

LJ tapped on Michael's shoulder, sending a shiver down his back. He slowly turned around, now face to face with the chronomon colored clown. LJ had a toothy grin, showing off all of his sharpe,white, beauties.

Michale looked at him wide eyed, in disbelief. Almost as if he'd seen him before. He began to back up slowly, but LJ was quicker.
He snatched him up in the air as if he were a rag doll and looked him dead in the eyes.
LJ just laughed at Michale's attempted struggle. It was quite entertaining to watch.
"Why Michale, those are naughty words! I might just have to clean your mouth out with soap!" the clown said with a crazed giggle.
With that, he actually pulled out a bar of soap from his back poket and shoved it down his throat.

Michale was slowly choking, blood coming up in the process. Jinx looked away, not wanting to see what he was doing.
She could still hear the sound of him choking on the bar of soap from where she was. Jinx tried blocking it out the best she could.

"Now," LJ said in a dark, deep, voice. He pulled Michale close to his face with a look that even the devil would be scared of.
"Hope you have fun in hell, you low life scum," LJ said as he lifted up a hand, and clawed at his throat.
Blood poured out from his neck as Michale began to reach for his throat at an attempt to try to stop the bleeding.
"You should know better Michale, to not mess with things that aren't yours.~"
LJ dropped him as it made a little 'splat' sound to the blood.
His blood went out of his body fast, making the snow around his dead corpse turning to a dark pink.

~Jinx pov~

I was shaking like crazy where I was. I was scared for my life, worried that LJ was still pissed and that he'd do something to me..
Oh god oh god oh god what am I gonna-??

Interrupting my thoughts, a hand was no on my shoulder. I turned around quicker than I thought possible.
Low and behold, it's LJ. He had a worried look on his face.
Why would he be worried about me? What's this guy's deal.

"Jinx, are you okay?" he said in a calm, comforting voice. I let out an exsaugsted sigh.
"I... I think... I'm just tired now" I said slowly looking up at him again.

He nodded and picked me up like I was nothing. I let out another 'EEP'sound as he did. I heard a faint chuckle coming from him as he put me over his shoulder.

~time skip brought to you by the gay~

I woke up in my bed and quickly looked over at the time. It was 3 in the morning.
I couldn't sleep.
With everything that just happend I don't know even if I could.
Sitting up in my bed to stretch, I noticed something on my dresser next to the music box.
A note?
Letting out a sigh, I slipped out of bed and walked over to my dresser. While I was picking up the note, some candy fell to the floor as well.
Wait. Candy?
I picked up the fallen sweets and carefully placed them on my dresser next to the music box.
I opened the note, and began to read it.

Hello Jinx,
You most likey won't be seeing this until morning or at least until you wake up. Anyways, I apologise about tonight.
I went out of hand but...
Let's just say he was an old play mate of mine when he was a child.
He wasn't a nice kid at all, and seeing him try to grab you like that made me very, angry.
I hope those sweets and this small letter works for now.

So he, did care? I can't tell, he's honestly very hard to read. I can't tell if he's fucking with me or not...
I hate having to deal with these trust issues.
I smiled alittle though, at the small gesture. I put the note back down on the dresser and walked back to my bed, as sleep came back to haunt me.
Right as I plopped on my bed, and soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out cold.

(So did you guys like this chapter? I hope so. Sorry I didn't get it posted last night. I was really tired and fell asleep as I was working on this chapter last night. I hope this makes up for it. If you have any thoughts about what's gonna happen next chapter? Remember to vote and share with your friends!)

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