♡chapter 18♡

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Will's POV

Doesn't this dead man talk, Will thought to himself. He sat in the passenger seat of Frankie's beaten up truck. He was found of the old thing, granted it wasn't his but he'd definitely be chill with it if it was.

Frankie pulled out a cigarette pack and handed one to will. Will didn't smoke normally, but he took it anyway. He didn't wanna be rude.
Frankie pulled out one for himself and lit it.
He handed it over to will, and will lit his own.
"Thanks," will mumbled. Frankie only nodded.

"So," will began. "Where are we going anyway? And that friend of yours, how are they gonna help us?"
Frankie took a long hit of his own cigarette and blew it out the window.
"Don't worry about it. It'll be a miracle if we can actually pull this off," he said flicking at his cigarette.
Will raised a brow.
"I thought you said you had this figured out already? That's what you told Jac-"
Frankie stopped the truck and will slammed into the dash.
"You ask to many god damn questions," he said with a scoff.
"OW! Dude what the fuck?"

Frankie just laughed at the sight.
The fuck is his problem, Will thought to himself. He rubbed his head, which was now pounding.
"Look," frankie said after ge continued to drive. "Everything should work out. I know people, they know people. Just relax, my god Will," he said, taking a hit from his cig.

Will let out a sigh. He knew he shouldn't be worried this much about the situation, but jack seemed to really like Jinx. He cares about her like he does with him.

"Whatever you say dude," he said leaning back taking a hit from his cig, which was surprisingly still lit.

*le time skip*

Will and Frankie had made it too the woods near the motel. Will was confused to why they were here.
These woods specifically.
"Uh, Frank?"
"Goddamnit, what will?"
"Why are we here?"
He looked at frankie a little nervous.
"If we're here I think you know why, dumbass," he said, his voice oozing with sarcasm.
Will looked at the path in front of him as frankie drove down the old beaten trial. He knew where they were going. But why where they going back there.
Out of all the places.
Is this where the help was coming from? Oh god this can't be good.

(3rd Person Pov)

Will knew exactly where they were going. It was a hole in the ground, almost like a well. It lead to the other side. Another world, full of monsters and demons. It's like this world but flipped on its head.

The last time he went there he died.
LJ had to bring him back to life and almost died in the process. That's why he doesn't want to go back. Becuase he knows that he's still there.
Frankie knew this so why were they going there?

Frankie stopped the car.
There it was.
A hole in the ground big enough for at least three people to fit in at once.
It was blood stained around the edges of the hole. From when monsters dragged their own prey into the other side.

Both of the men hopped out of the car.
Will was trembling at this point.
Frankie noticed and actually began to grow concerned.
"You uh, you okay over there?"
Will looked up and shook his head 'no'.
"Remember how I told you I almost died?"
Frankie nodded.
Then he understood. "Well, now that makes a lot of sence why you don't wanna go down there," he said with a chuckle. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you dude. I promised Jack that much," he said looking at will.
Will let out a sigh.
"Okay man, I'm trusting you."
They both walked over to the hole and looked down.
Will took a step back.
He was very hesitant to go back there. What if he and Frankie were attacked? Without Jack the were good as dead.

Without warning, Frankie grabbed Will's hand and ran for the hole in the ground. "Wait wait frankie-"he was cut off by his own screaming falling into the hole. Frankie grabbed a hold of will and pulled him to his own chest. "God you're so overdramatic," he said rolling his eyes. Will looked up at frankie, who was still holding him.

He wondered how in the hell was he not freaking out. The fall lasts a long time, so it's just pitch black all around them. Given this, Will didn't dare let go of Frankie as the fell further and further into the abyss.

~le time skip~

They finally were at the other side.
Well almost.
They began to see light, Will let out a sigh of relief.
Finally, he thought to himself.
He still was clinging to Frankie however. Frankie looked down at the blonde idiot that clung on to him and let out a small chuckle.
Will looked up at frankie and made a face, as if asking what was funny.
"Nothing Will, don't worry about it."

The flew out of the hole.
Frankie opened his eyes and looked to see will laying on him.
He was still for a second and then quickly shot up and gasped.
"Fucking hell I hate that..."

Right. Humans are different when then come into this world. It's almost like they die but only for a second.
Sometimes they don't wake up.

"With all do respect Will, but can you get the fuck off of me? Take a man to dinner first sheesh," he said shoving will off of him. Will let out an oof and fell on his back. "I'll keep that in mind, " he said standing up with Fankie, dusting himself off.

The were both now standing and took a look at their surroundings. They were in the forest for sure, but their truck was now gone. In place was an older motorcycle. Not in the best of shape but good for being on the other side.

Will raised a brow. "Is that yours?"
Frankie nodded.
"Yup. Was able to find it after you guys left."
It has been a few years since will and jack have left the under world. Not only did the incident cause them to leave but no one saw them in the best light. Basically almost everyone fucking hated their guts.

Not everyone hated them though, there was a few people that still had their backs. Like Frankie for example. He still found the pair reckless and annoying but he warmed up to the two.

"Wait wait," Will began to say in protest. "We're both supposed to get on that old bike?"
"Yup-p," frankie said popping the p.
Will let out a groan of annoyance.
"Let's get this over with..."

((And that's the end of chapter 18! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter with Will and Frankie. Haven't really focused on them much, which I really should be since they're both big parts in this story.
Leave comments, vote, and share this story. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter becuase I loved writing it. Love you all!!))

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