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Peterson doused in deep thought. He woke up to the sound of footsteps ,he walked over, through the door, peeped out and glared
Albert and Wanda were going out. Now Peterson huffed and snarled. He stomped
and backed to his chair.
He never liked Wenda.
But he can't do anything, she was his childhood friend.

"Hey, let's go to cafe"Wenda was chirping, because Albert was with her.

"why not my baby doll".Albert also replied as same as her.

After few minutes driving ,he stopped his car and parked aside of a lane.

They sat inside the cafe, it was the corner table, especially Wenda booked it

Wenda gives order of two cups of coffee and some snacks.

Seeing silence of Albert she broke with coughed, Albert startled and looked her.

"why don't you leave her, in stead  of making  your face  sad" Wenda told with grimmaced

Albert answered puzzled,

"no, I can't do anything, she has chosen by my parents, "Albert said as stared to the vacant of the air.

"so,  what ?"Wenda barraged

"you don't know if I do anything wrong, they take me out from the patrimony "Albert disapointly answered.

"How can they do that ?you  are lawful heir"
Wenda astonished.

"But I promise, I will let out this spacky, lol girl out of my life "Albert growl

"By hook or by the crook, I  will punish her,how dare she came in to my life? "Albert again snarled

Wenda put her palm of hand over his hand and taped to bring calm down his short temper. She was flying high. She thought...

"now Maria went out, no one will come in between us "she stared his redder face.

Death Step (Noval) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now