Chapter 16

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"Loki, open the door," Sif said. She got no answer. "Loki, please. You've been holed up for a week. Open the door."

"Go... away."

"If you don't open this gods damned door, I'll do it myself."

"Go ahead, see if I care." Sir rolled her eyes and burst the door open. The room smelled strongly of... alcohol.

"Oh, gods, Loki. What have you done to yourself?" Loki was on the floor, a bottle on hand. The room was a mess, as well.

Covers were thrown off the bed, bottles were everywhere, drawers were open, and clothes were flung all over the floor.

As for Loki...

His hair was an absolute mess, his clothes filthy, and he wore only one shoe.

"It's nice to... see you, too, Sif." His words were slurred, and he moved awkwardly. "Care for a drink?"

"This is disgusting. Get up."

"I don't... I don't think I can." Sif moved closer but backed up again. He smelled horrible.

"What happened to you, Loki?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're my friend. I want to help you."

"H-Help me? Oh-ho-ho. When did you learn how to make jokes? If you wanted to help... to help me, then you would have helped... helped..."


"Don't you say her name! Don't you dare say her name! You lost that right." Loki stood, somehow managing to stay on his feet, and looked at Sif.

"Hela wouldn't want this." Loki threw the bottle at her head, barely missing.

"What did I just say?!" He wobbled, but he stayed upright. "Get out."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said, get out!" He grabbed a chair and launched it at Sif, getting his point across. She dodged and left the room quickly. Loki slammed the door shut behind her and locked it. "Don't you dare come back!"

Sif had been begging Thor to see his brother for the past week, but she didn't realize it would be this bad.

She went to find Thor immediately. She found him with the Warriors Three in their usual lounge.

"Thor, get off your ass right now," she demanded.

"Somebody's angry," Fandral said quietly.

"You shut your mouth before I cut out your tongue."

"What is it, Sif?" Thor asked.

"You need to go see your brother right now."

"We've talked about this."

"Yes, we have, but I just went to see him and he's a complete mess. His room is filled with alcohol and so is he. He's going to drink himself to death, Thor. You have to stop him."

"Why do you even care so much, Sif?" Fandral asked. "Loki has made it very clear that he hates our guts."

"He is my friend, Fandral."

"You would not have said that years ago."

"This is none of your business." Fandral stood and walked up to Sif.

"Why do you suddenly care, Sif? What is it? What aren't you telling us?"

"It's Sigyn, damn it!" she screamed. "Sigyn was my best friend, Fandral." Tears began to fill Sif's eyes. "She was my best friend, and despite what I said against him, she loved Loki. She loved him dearly. And I'd be one piss poor friend if I let him rot in there. He's lost more than you could possibly imagine. You know damn well none of this would happen if Sigyn were still here. But she's not, so I will do anything in my power to stop Loki from killing himself!" She grabbed his collar and pulled him closer. "Are we clear?"


"Good." She shoved him back to the couch and turned to Thor. "Now go see your brother. I'm not asking anymore."


"That's what I thought."


Hela sat on her throne, watching as her subjects thrived.

It had only been a week, but her progress was astounding. She was right about the rooms adjusting. She managed to find a way to label the rooms, as well. The rooms were sorted by the age of the person assigned to them, but sometimes they would sneak into others' rooms. Mostly family or friends. Hela didn't mind.

And more joined with every minute. People from all realms across the universe dying and coming to her.

Hela smiled at her people as they taught each other. Today, they began to learn the history of Asgard and what it meant to be banished to this realm.

Valhalla, she thought. Valhalla is there so Odin can fight against Ragnarök. But what will cause Ragnarök?

Hela had her hand on her chest but she froze when she felt something cool beneath her hand.

It was the sunflower pendant her father had given her.

Her mother's necklace.

"My queen, are you all right?" Troy asked.

"Will you watch over everything for a few minutes? I just need a moment."

"Of course."

"Thank you." Hela went back to the room she had made for herself. It was laid out exactly like her room back on Asgard was, but there was no window. There were no windows here. Everything was underground. Hela wasn't even sure if there was an above ground.

She shut the door behind her. She went over to the mirror she had and hated herself immediately.

"He would hate this," she told herself. "He would hate what you're becoming."

She looked at her reflection. She only recognized half of it.

Thor had destroyed the other half of her, and he had taken everything from her.

How was her father holding up? She knew they would have him on lockdown, so there was no chance of her ever seeing him again.

But just in case, she created a room for him. Right next to hers was a room almost exactly like his own.

She knew it would never happen, but she was always prepared.

Hela's hand grazed the burnt half of her skin.

Thor did this to her. Odin didn't bother listening. Sif and the Warriors Three betrayed her.

And they would pay. They would pay dearly, and she would make sure of it.

"I will be the cause. I will be Ragnarök."

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