Bye Bye Bandages!

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Hannah’s POV

~One Month Later~

Everything was okay now. The school was getting fixed, for during the earthquake more than half of it had collapsed. So now there was no school. When the news reached Amber she and Kati seemed a little relived.

Meanwhile, some things have changed….

Amber’s POV

I grinned as we drove to the Team Crafted house, which had luckily not been destroyed. Kati and I began to do some hand games, laughing as we failed to put our hands in the right position.

“Double doubl- HA! Kati, you do this!” I said, as she put her hand wrong. Tay sat in the back with glee, listening to us. Her bandages were still not off, but they would be  in a couple of weeks.

We pulled into the mansion’s driveway, grinning as we saw the familiar cream colored house. “We are here!” I said, and I unbuckled along with my friends. I helped Tay out, and we walked up to the brown door. Hannah lifted her fist and gave three sharp knocks, afterwards being opened by Adam.

“Hey guys!” He said in his usual happy voice. He allowed us in, us walking into the shag-carpeted living room where the rest of the team was. We helped Tay sit down on a chair.

“Okay, first order of business,” Adam spoke. “Congrats Jerome on one million! Holy snot!” He said happily, everyone else clapping for Jerome, who took a bow, making us giggle.

“Second order of business...Hannah, will you help me with this one?” He said a little nervously. “Fine.” She said, standing up. They whispered something, then in unison, they spoke two words I never thought would come out of the two mouths:

“We are dating.”

“Wait-what?” Kati said, mouth agape. Hannah nodded, hugging Adam. Ty leaped off the sofa. “HASHTAG HADAM! I TOLD YOU SO!” We all laughed, except Hannah and Adam.

~A couple of hours Later~

Hannah’s POV

I skimmed through my emails, mostly just ads and crap. Then one email caught my eye: it was from youtube officials. I clicked it and began to read:

Dear HannahMC101

We can see that you have quality content and that many viewers are watching it. We would like to offer you money to do this. Thank you for your time!

I stared agape at the short message. I quickly accepted and set up my account, grinning. Now I have a job. Perfect.

At that moment my life felt perfect. Amber, Kati, Raine, and Tay were all right. Adam and I were doing lovely. Life felt as if it couldn’t get better.

Amber’s POV

That had been big news for me. I mean the dating thing. I was happy for them, just...scared. Nervous, I guess you could say. My gut told me that he was bad news, but I sort of just brushed it to the back of my mind.

In about a month Tay will get her bandages off! Sure, she will need glasses and all, but still she can SEE! We are planning to have a sleepover that night. It will be so fun!  

~One Month Later(Sorry)~

Tay’s POV

Today was the day! I would get my bandages off today! My mom said she got me some green glasses, as backup for the contacts I am getting. As my mom led me through the crowded parking lot, I wanted to jump with joy.

As soon as I had walked in I was on the table, sitting up as a hand pulled back the large bandages. Finally he got to the last wrap, and I was blinded by the light. I felt my mom shove something on my face, and my vision focused. I saw my mom and I hugged her, grinning.

I walked over to the female doctor and to her surprise, I hugged her too. I wanted to hug everything. I can see now! “Mom, can I have my phone?” She brought out my phone, held it out, grabbed it with two hands...and snapped it in half. I gasped in surprised. “Mom! That was my phone!” I yelled.

Then my mom grinned. She GRINNED. “Mom! You just snapped my phone in-” I froze as she held up a box. “OH MY GOSH! THE NEW SAMSUNG GALAXY! OH MY GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!” I yelled, grabbing the phone and turning it on.

I got into contacts and all my contacts were still there. I scrolled down to Amber’s and tapped, and in less than three seconds she had picked up. “Hello?” Her voice said. “Amber! I got my bandages off! I can see!” I practically yelled. “Really?! YES!” I could practically see her fist pumping.

Life was going up from here on out.

Yea I know, super short, but I just needed to update and get some news out. So, @GeminiGaming, you asked me awhile ago if it could be near the end of the book that I make her be able to see.


Calm down, it's not over YET, but I am sad to inform you that there are only 2-5 chapters left, I don't know yet.

This is because of the plot line not working anymore with the sudden earthquake, and I cut some chapters(Around 5) out. Don't worry though, I will put those in later. But some MAJOR and I mean MAJOR stuff is coming. And I mean SERIOUSLY.

So, anyways, I hope you are enjoying this book!


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