STUDY ABROAD ( multiple love interests )

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TITLE: Study Abroad
LOVE INTEREST: multiple. So fucking many. Kinda.
Okay, so James S. Potter X OC Mary Longbottom. Maisie Parkinson X OC from Ilvermorny. Louis Weasley X OC Wyatt Wood. All other relationships are platonic or are not endgame. SIBLING LOVE EXISTS PEOPLE.
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAME: OCS FROM HOGWARTS: Elizabeth Ophella ( Kaya Scodelario ), Genevieve Wood ( Danielle Rose Russell ), Wyatt Wood ( Froy Gutierrez ), Maisie Parkinson ( Camila Mendes ), Mary Longbottom ( Marilyn Lima )
OCS FROM ILVERMORNY: your choice. You get to decide who they are, and anything about them. If you don't have any ideas, you can come to me and I'd be glad to help
FACE CLAIM: I already said the face claims by the OC names so...

( Elizabeth Ophella )

( Elizabeth Ophella )

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( Genevieve Wood )

( Genevieve Wood )

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( Wyatt Wood )

( Maisie Parkinson )

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( Maisie Parkinson )

( Maisie Parkinson )

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( Mary Longbottom )

( Mary Longbottom )

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"These Ilvermorny kids are crazy."

"This is gonna be so much fun."


Eight Hogwarts student were chosen, two from each house, to go to America for a year to study at Ilvermorny. New classes, new houses, new environment.

James Sirius Potter, Louis Weasley, Lucy Weasley, Elizabeth Ophella, Genevieve and Wyatt Wood, Maisie Parkinson, and Mary Longbottom were chosen. While they all expected adventure, they never expected to learn new secrets, and to fall in love.

-alright, so this is a very different story. Our favorite Next Generation kids ( not all of them, sorry ) are going to Ilvermorny so there is a lot of freedom here

-summary sucks, so you can change that.

-students from the Hogwarts houses:
Gryffindor: James Sirius Potter and Louis Weasley
Hufflepuff: Maisie Parkinson and Lucy Weasley
Ravenclaw: Genevieve Wood and Mary Longbottom
Slytherin: Wyatt Wood and Elizabeth Ophella

James Sirius Potter — sixth year
Louis Weasley — fifth year
Maisie Parkinson — sixth year
Lucy Weasley ( kinda recommend Sophie Turner as a face claim )— seventh year
Genevieve Wood — fifth year ( twins with Wyatt )
Mary Longbottom — sixth year
Wyatt Wood — fifth year ( twins with Genevieve)
Elizabeth Ophella — seventh year

-WYATT WOOD: son to Oliver Wood. Slytherin. Pretty boy. Cool guy 😎. Is really nice and has a good temper ( so if he ever loses it, everyone is terrified ). Plays a wicked beater. Bisexual. Honestly, kinda picturing Percy Jackson from the Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus series. Interested in the different cultures throughout the world and Wizarding in them. He's not for sure on his future career, and you can help the other characters around him discover his passion

-GENEVIEVE WOOD: daughter to Oliver Wood. Ravenclaw. Youngest known Keeper to ever play Quidditch. Very calculating. Follows her mind instead of letting her heart lead. An offer of an internship at the Ministry in America where she goes for a week, and going to Ilvermorny for the rest of the month and this happens for the year

-MAISIE PARKINSON: daughter to Pansy Parkinson. Never knew her dad. A very lovely and soft spoken Hufflepuff. She's adorable, a sweetheart. Love her. Would never judge anyone and doesn't get involved in problems if she doesn't think she needs to. She will fight someone if they talk bad about LGBTQ+ as she is pansexual. Likes going new places and wants to learn about all the schools. She is writing a book first about how it is as a student, and wants to be a teacher in the future

-ELIZABETH OPHELLA: so reckless it's not even funny. The most Gryffindor Slytherin to ever exist. Nobody knows how she's a Slytherin when she acts so much like a Gryffindor ( but she is a Slytherin and has strong Slytherin qualities and beliefs nobody sees ). I'm trying to think of a character to compare her to but I can't think of many. Maybe Octavia Blake or Clark Griffin ( I've yet to see season 6 ) from The 100??? Kinda??? Ready to fight anyone. Wants to study more of the Law Enforcement and Ilvermorny has more class options for that type of stuff

-MARY ALICE LONGBOTTOM: daughter of Neville Longbottom. I put Alice as her middle name because I can already tell people are yelling at me. Ravenclaw Queen. Very focused on her studies and takes some pulling away to actually get her to have fun. Wants to be a healer so wanted to go study in Ilvermorny because they have classes on Native American magic which is more on healing different ways

-this is so messy I'm so sorry

-I just wanted a fic with the Next Generation riding a roller coaster, so include roller coasters

-I dare you to sort them into Ilvermorny houses. Really look at their character. Be creative.

-for Ilvermorny, I suggest you read the guide to Ilvermorny by @willowwhisps as its very good and interesting. Very well thought out and laid out for you to take inspiration from

-whoever takes this, I apologize for how much shit is going on

-focus on each character an about equal amount. All their stories can be interesting if you put actual thought into them

( plot by Luna )

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