HEARTBREAK ( Roxanne Weasley ) ✓

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TITLE: Heartbreak (I had no idea what to call this. You're more than free to change it.)
LOVE INTEREST: Roxanne Weasley
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAME: Aria Weslin
FACE CLAIM: Zendaya and Allie Marie Evans
TAKEN BY: @ethcrcalx_

)LOVE INTEREST: Roxanne WeasleyBOOK/MOVIE: Next GenerationOC NAME: Aria WeslinFACE CLAIM: Zendaya and Allie Marie EvansTAKEN BY: @ethcrcalx_

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DESCRIPTION "I don't get it

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"I don't get it. If you love her so much, why don't you tell her? You know she would never turn you down."

"I know she wouldn't turn me down, and that's exactly the point."

Aria Weslin had been best friends with Roxanne Weasley since first year and knew almost everything about her. She was also the only one that got to see Roxanne's sweet side. Meanwhile the rest of Hogwarts saw the bitchy player Roxanne had become after her first heartbreak.
Roxanne was so scared of having her heart broken again that she wouldn't let anyone in. Which made it almost completely impossible for Roxanne to return Aria's love for her.

-The girls can be in any house you desire, but they should be in either fifth, sixth, or seventh year

-Roxanne was one of those girls who obsessed over the magic of love. So her first boyfriend was in second year and she was 100% sure she loved him. But he was older and had a reputation. Aria tried to warn Roxanne, but she was blinded by her "love" for him. Long story short, he cheated on her and after that Roxanne was done with happily ever afters

-Aria loves Roxanne and refuses to tell her not because of fear of rejection, but because she knows Roxanne's biggest fear is love

-The description is Aria talking to a friend about Roxanne. What Aria's getting at is Roxanne is so close to Aria that if Aria told her she loved her, Roxanne wouldn't be able to turn her down in fear of losing her best friend. But if she accepted Aria's confession and went out with her, it'd hardly be a relationship because Roxanne would be so scared of heartbreak

-Roxanne is hella bi, and that's not a secret

-Aria is biromantic asexual, meaning she may be seeking romantic relationships for a variety of reasons, including companionship, affection, and intimacy, but she is not necessarily sexually attracted to her romantic partners. The biromantic part means she can be romantically attracted to males and females.

-This is not to be mistaken for not being capable of having a relationship. Asexuals can be romantically attracted to anyone, they just aren't attracted sexually. In Aria's case, she is attracted because she sees Roxanne for who she is and wants to be with her because she loves her personality. Not because of her body and what they could do sexually.

-There are plenty of websites that provide information on different sexualities if this was found to be confusing at all

-it's pride month, and we're proudly celebrating the lgbtq+ community with representation in our plots. you are valid regardless of your sexuality, gender, or identity. whether you are a member of the community or an ally, we appreciate you all throughout the year (not just in june!).

( plot by Tuft )

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