STAR-CROSSED ( Bellatrix Black )

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TITLE: Star-Crossed
LOVE INTEREST: Bellatrix Black
BOOK/MOVIE: Marauders Era
OC NAME: Reece Parker
FACE CLAIM: young Reece — Landry Bender
Adult Reece — Abigail Spencer

TITLE: Star-CrossedLOVE INTEREST: Bellatrix BlackBOOK/MOVIE: Marauders EraOC NAME: Reece ParkerFACE CLAIM: young Reece — Landry BenderAdult Reece — Abigail SpencerTAKEN BY: n/a

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"I know you think of Bella as horrible, and insane, but she wasn't always. She used to be... more beautiful than life — and not just physically."


Reece Parker was a lot of things at Hogwarts. She was bright, always offering someone a smile. Even when people made fun of her, she would only offer them kind words. Reece was everything everyone wished to be but could never get themselves to.

Bellatrix Black was one of the darkest people at Hogwarts. She worked so hard to believe her family's views and spat at muggle borns. It was all about purebloods and how a dark wizard was arising. Yet, somehow, in the corner of her heart, was a space for a certain golden hearted girl.

They say Romeo and Juliet were star crossed lovers, but Shakespeare had never seen the Gryffindor and Slytherin, the pureblood and muggle born.

Romeo and Juliet would've been able to convince their families, but if Bellatrix and Reece were ever caught, it would be their death.


-Bellatrix is the oldest of the Black sisters and is eight years older than the Marauders so the Marauders should not be in the story. Sirius can if it involves something with family but the others really shouldn't. Maybe mention the Potters as they were viewed as blood traitors

-Bellatrix slowly starts to fall in love with Reece as the girl never turned her away or tried to be mean no matter how mean Bella was to her

-Bellatrix does tries to believe her family's views

-Reece and Bella have a secret relationship and sneaks around a lot. They really did love each other, to the point where Bella was thinking about running away with her

-someone finds out about them and tells Bellatrix's family. Bella learns of this ahead of time enough to get Reece away but not enough for her family to get her. It's because of this ( information that Reece doesn't know ) that she goes insane. Either have obligate used too many times or the Cruciatus curse, your choice

-this should be told mainly from Reece's perceptive. Either Reece telling Harry in like book five while at the Black house or many years after the war

-Reece does join the Order of the Phoenix but could never fight Bella

-their relationship was cute, but a VERY slow burn as Bella has to go through all the brain washing from her family even to think about a relationship with Reece

-lots of drama between them about the Black family beliefs and at one point Bella may say "you're different, not like other mudbloods. They would see that. Just turn away from that filthy part of your family blood." And this pisses Reece off because that was who she was and was proud

-skip through moments through the year as a way that Reece tells Harry. Reece telling him could have some point or her just bonding with Harry and telling how people are not always bad

-her telling Harry should go throughout the days maybe around the days of Harry's trial. Maybe Ginny listens too or the others? Your choice. I think Sirius would listen to some but not all

-any more questions, ask

( plot by Luna )

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