HURRICANE ( Hugo Weasley )

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Trigger Warning: suicide

TITLE: Hurricane
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAME: Harley Scott
FACE CLAIM: Till Simon

TITLE: HurricaneLOVE INTEREST: Hugo Weasley BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation OC NAME: Harley ScottFACE CLAIM: Till SimonTAKEN BY: n/a

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( I found a gif after I posted this but I like the picture so I'm keeping it )


"You're the reason hurricanes are named after people."


Harley Scott.

The name alone sent a wave through people. It was a name well known through Hogwarts, even some other Wizarding school.

He transferred to Hogwarts the year before from apparently Ilvermorny. He was quiet the first year, never saying much or doing any real trouble. He gave sly smiles and his eyes shone enough to draw people in. Everyone knew him, even if he didn't say anything. The first year was calm.

That's why they call it the calm before the storm.

-Harley is someone who catches everyone's attention without trying. He carries that air of confidence and mystery that draws people in

-Hugo is a year younger than Harley and one of the few people Harley originally talked to

-this should be told in Hugo's POV. More of a journal type of thing or Hugo looking back at everything that happened

-Harley is not a bad person. His mind is a bit of a mess and he doesn't know how to cope with himself

-Harley is very quiet, always. He and Hugo do become close and in the summer before Harley's second year at Hogwarts they start dating ( Harley transfers to Hogwarts in his 5th year )

-Hugo would 100% call Harley a puppy because he looks like a puppy fight me

-the Hurricane is reference to Harley's suicide during his sixth year and this happens around Easter ( Hugo should only reference it as the Hurricane )

-Harley's life does remain mostly a mystery to Hugo. He never tells why he transferred from Ilvermorny and Hugo only knows he lives with his grandparents during the summer

-looking back on it, Hugo should notice signs that something was wrong with Harley. He just never fully realized it until after ( hindsight is 20/20 )

-the Hurricane continues after Harley succeeds and it shows the destruction of Hogwarts and mostly Hugo. Harley is the Hurricane and when he does commit it causes a destruction in people as he was a good person who was there for people

-this plot is honestly just showing that you never know what people are thinking. You don't know what's going on with them and sometimes they don't even mean to hurt you

-this was probably really confusing, sorry

( plot by Luna )

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