Come Back

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Summary: Just a one-shot. Katherine gets bitten by a werewolf. Will someone come and rescue her in time?

It was a dark night, as Katherine ran at top speed through the Mystic Falls forest. The creature after her was gaining on her, as she ran into a warehouse.

Just as she arrived inside the warehouse, the four-legged black creature lunged at her and pinned her to the floor. It growled and snarled, baring its teeth at her. She kicked it off of her and it slammed against a shelf that had some lit candles and can of gasoline on it. When it slammed against it, the candles and can fell to the ground, the gasoline pouring onto the ground and the candles igniting with it. Within minutes, the warehouse was a disaster with fire.

The black werewolf lunged at and tore into her, snarling as it bit into her and clawed at her. She screamed in pain and tried to get it off of her, but it had bitten, and was still biting her. She was dying slowly.

Damon was taking a walk through the forest, when he heard Katherine's screams of excruciating pain and agony, and knew it wasn't a trick, considering the Sire bond. He ran at vamp speed, following her scent.

The black werewolf continued to tear into her, as she quit fighting all together, just as Damon entered the ablazed warehouse and her head rolled to the right, eyes closed.

Damon through the wolf at vamp speed off of her, making it slam hard into a wall. Before it could recover, he picked her up and gently carried her out at vamp speed.

Once safely in the heart of the woods, he layed her gently down.

He knelt beside her, as her head rolled to the left.

"Katherine, can you hear me?" he called to her.

Kat, he thought to her.

She lay there as still and pale as a corpse. There wasn't any sign of life left in her.

He gently pulled her into his arms, crook of arm holding up her head. With his free hand, he pulled out a vial of Niklaus' blood and took off the cap. He put it to her lips and made it go down her throat, as her skin began to look cracked, which meant she was just seconds from death; Being dead as a doornail.

Once it was finished, he tossed it to the ground and gently picked her up in his arms, at vamp speed, carrying her to the safety of the Salvatore boarding house.

A few minutes later, he layed her gently down in his bed and sat on her bedside. He lifted her upper body, arm under her shoulder blades, hand under her neck. He bit his free wrist and put it to her lips, making his own blood go down her throat, hoping he wasn't too late.

After twenty minutes, he took his wrist away and layed her gently back down.

He trailed a gentle hand down the side of her face.

"Come back, Katherine. Please, Kat," he begged her.

He looked down at her, waiting. He needed her. He had waited centuries for her. Now she was back home. But she was nearly dead. He loved her and didn't want her to ever die on him. They were connected with the Sire bond. If she died, he would feel it as if it were his own pain.

Half an hour later, she gasped, now awake and okay. So everybody lived happily ever after.

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