Chapter 1: Lisa's Life

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Lalisa’s POV

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” One of the policemen shouted at me before blowing his whistle in attempt of making me stop running, but nah, that’s not happening. There were six policemen chasing me and I had no idea why… Just kidding, it was because I got money from the jewelry shop mid-downtown but I didn’t stole it. The lady gave the money from her own will, technically, not really her ‘own’ will but the point was it’s not my fault if she got hypnotized by my left eye, she looked at it I didn’t even force her to. Uhm, well, was it considered forced when I cupped her face and said, ‘Look At Me’? But I swear I was gentle and I’m no criminal. Anyway, I have been running for almost half an hour now. Geez. If I’m a normal human being maybe I got caught by now due to exhaustion however too bad, I’m not one of them. We could run around the world all day long for all I care but I need to go home.

‘Hmmm... crowd? Good timing, might as well blend in.’ I thought then immediately ran towards the group of people that were watching some street show and transformed back to my real appearance. One of the powers of my right eye was that I have the ability to change my appearance from head to toe but the colors of my eyes will never change. To add up to my lucky day, I saw a pair of sunglasses hanging loose in a slightly opened purse, so I slipped my hand through the bag of an old lady and before she could feel my presence, I turned around and acted like nothing happened.

“WHERE DID THAT THIEF GO?! YOU THREE, CHECK THAT WAY. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN AND STAY ALERT! FOR SURE SHE’S NOT THAT FAR FROM HERE.” The officer instructed. An idea popped out of my mind. I immediately put the shades on.

“Officer!! A-a girl, she bumped into me and snatched my necklace! She stole my thirty-four-carat necklace!.. and then run towards that direction.” I pretended to be panicking, horrified and in the state of losing my shit any second now.

“Calm down ma’am... Please go to the police station and file a report. Don’t worry, we’ll get her.” The police said before they all ran towards the alley I pointed. Well, good luck with that. When they were far enough, I started running back home. My mother would be delighted again because of the stack of money I have. After another good five minutes of running around mid-downtown, I arrived home, yes, home. Our house was just simple, one-story bungalow type that was painted in cream color inside and out with a touch of chocolate brown to be exact. It was a home for me in light of the fact that Lucy, my mother, always make sure that I feel that way.

“LUCY, I’M HOME!” I yelled as soon as I opened the front door. Don’t get me wrong, I call my mother on first name basis since she told me that it was fine as long as I respect her and should always remember that she’s my mother, and not for any other reasons.

“Oh, hello baby girl. How’s your day?” Lucy asked from the living room. I slightly chuckled when I saw what she was watching on the idiot box. It was an old superhero cartoon that reminded her of my father.

“It was fine. Anyway, I have a surprise for you...” I cheerfully uttered as I sat beside her, giving her a small pouch. “Here, take this.”

“What is this?” She curiously asked, checking the pouch out.

I flashed her my brightest smile. “It’s a surprise, open it.” She didn’t know my wrongdoings and I don’t have the intention on telling her any of it. I just can’t because I’m afraid that she will slipped out of my hand anytime, and I will hate myself if she hated me even for a bit.

“Wow! This is too much. Where did you get all of this?” She inquired as she started counting the money.

“I told you I have a nice paying job.” I lied. All of these, I’m doing for her since that airhead doctor said that she’s super-duper sick and she needed a lot of money for her medicines so as her one and only daughter, I want to take the responsibility to keep her alive.

“You didn’t use your powers on this? Or did you?” She accused while eyeing me suspiciously. I understand her trust issue because for some reasons I, myself, will not trust me too.. if that make sense.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t and be sure to attend your therapies, okay?” I kissed her cheek. “I’m going to hit the hay. I still have work to do later tonight.” I stood up and started walking to my room, feeling guilty as usual.

“Lisa...” Lucy called before I can fully close my door.

“What is it Lucy?” I questioned with just my head sticking out of the door.

“Please don’t use your powers in doing something wrong, understand?... I don’t like you ending up like your father.” She spoke with so much sadness and I can see tears forming in her eyes, those eyes that were once full of joy was long gone, and even if she don’t tell me anything, I know she was trying her best to look fine for my sake.
My father, Charlie, he was like me. We have colored eyes, ocean-eyed they say. He taught me everything. He readied me in facing the tough life ahead. We have that happy father and daughter relationship... I remembered Lucy used to tease me as a daddy’s girl but everything changed when he successfully stole stacks of money from the world-class company. It was almost a day to celebrate however it turned upside down. He died, got killed by those green eye monsters and for what?.. Envy. Jealousy. Yeah, they were jealous of his successful attempt that no one had ever done. Those cruel monsters used their powers against him, daddy versus ten green eyes, including the two bosses. I was there, hiding and silently watching the scene unfold while my tears were streaming down my face... too young and so fragile to fight… to protect my father. It’s a horrible memory that I can still clearly recall… He was looking at me and using those eyes, he begged me to keep quiet.. to avoid my sobs to be heard as they rip him apart, yes, they torn him apart like a piece of paper that has no value anymore that’s why I promised myself that I will avenge him.

I took a deep breath before walking back to where Lucy was and held both of her hands. “I told you, do not worry yourself too much. All you have to do is get well, and I guarantee you I can handle myself.” I flashed her an assuring smile as I rubbed my thumbs on the back of her hands. ‘Sorry for lying but I can’t lose you too Lucy.’

Lucy’s the sweetest, the most understanding, caring and loving mother a child could wish for. I can’t even describe how perfect mom she was. What I didn’t know was why she needed to suffer from cancer. She didn’t deserve that kind of sickness or any sickness a human body can have. I hope I can turn her like me but that’s impossible.

“Your lustrous gray hair is now fully yellow and according to Charlie it means something bad… just don’t go dying on me and don’t you ever ever hurt someone, okay?” She stared at me with soft eyes.

“I won’t. I promise.” I swore then walked back to my room, closing the door behind me..

Meow~” I heard my Manx cat from under the bed.

“Come out Lewis,” I called him as I bended low. He hurriedly went to me. I caressed his fur and said, “Did you miss me?” He rubbed his head on my stomach as his response. “Take some rest Lewis. I’ll be needing your help tonight.” Lewis was not the typical cat pet. Charlie told me that this cat was immortalized by my scientist grandfather and Lewis understood me very well. Also, I have the power to see what Lewis was seeing, cool right? I put Lewis down and slammed my body on the soft mattress. The comfort that the bed gave my body immediately drove me to sleep.

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