Chapter 59: Zaldy ships

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Lalisa’s POV

The ray of sun shine through the curtain that woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched my body. “Good Morning Sunshine~” I happily greeted to no particularity before sitting up.

“Good Morning Lalisa.” Zaldy suddenly appeared in front of me flashing a bright smile.


“Peace yow~” She said that made me looked at her in disbelief.

“Where the heck did you learn that?” I asked, walking to the bathroom.

“From Seulgi.” She answered, innocently. I knew it! That girl should stop teaching the guardian words like that. “You seems happy today?” I can see her looking at me through the mirror as I brushed my teeth.

“Meditation is really helping my mood.” I responded. Meditating was a big help for me since Jisoo’s gone for few days now.

“That’s great to hear. Anyway, get ready and I’ll be back to get you. We need to go somewhere you will like.” She said before vanishing without waiting for my response. I took a quick bath. After I wore trousers, long sleeves and running shoes, all in black, of course.

*knock knock*

I walked to the door and opened it. “What are you doing there?” I asked while giving her an amused look.

“Knocking? You said stop with the popping act and thankfully, I know how to knock.” Zaldy shrugged with an innocent look on her face that made me laugh. She’s really unbelievable. Sometimes, too dense and innocent for an individual who lived for over six hundred years.

“Aren’t we leaving?” I questioned because she sat down on her throne.

“We are.” She smiled.

“Then why aren’t we going OUT yet?” I pointed to the door but she just stared at me. ‘Why is she being weird again?’ I thought.

“Swallow this.” The guardian offered me a ball made in glass that was as big as a golf ball and the heck, it just came out of her mouth.

“That’s the most disgusting thing you ever done so far!” I flashed her a disapproving look but really, I’m judging her because of what she just did.

“Choosy? Yummy?” She laughed, making me glare at her. However, that glare was changed into horror when she started walking towards me.

I backed away. “No way! I will not put that in my mouth!” I covered my mouth using both of my hands when she was able to corner me on the wall.

“This glass ball is the core of my life.” Zaldy informed while looking at the thing on her hand.

“Then why are you giving it to me? Are you not going to die?” My voice was muffled since I was still covering my mouth.

“If this break, I will die so stop struggling and just swallow it.” She said in a serious tone then she looked straight to my eyes. The next thing I know was that, I was paralyzed, unable to move my limbs except my eyes. She held my chin, my mouth automatically opened then she shoved the ball inside until to my throat. “Better.” With a smirk, she let go of me.

“Wow that was... weird but sweet.” I said as soon as the ball totally passed my throat. It’s really sweet plus it looked hard but it was softer than a marshmallow. I didn’t even felt any pain swallowing it, and magically, it was dry even if she didn’t wipe it. Indeed, it was yummy however, it will never change the fact that it came out of her mouth.

“I know,” Zaldy winked. “We’ll wait for few minutes.” She sat back on her throne like she didn’t harassed me.

Still having a disgusted face, I walked back to couch, sitting in front of her. “What was that for?”

“Protection.” She simply replied.

“For what? And where are we going?” I questioned.

“Secret.” She grinned. Geez. What’s with the short answers and secrecy?

“I’m not coming with you if you don’t tell me a thing!” I pouted but she just looked at me. “COME ON~” I whined, making her chuckle.

“I’m telling you nothing even if you are being this cute my child.” She wriggled her eyebrows up and down that made me rolled my eyes. I really can’t believe that she’s six hundred and two years old now.

Zaldy’s POV

Do you want to know what I am up to? Well, I won’t tell you 😛 just kidding. The book of prophecy spared me some headaches and showed me a glimpse of another chapter. There was a part where I saw Lalisa and Jennie together, doing things that makes them happy so I need to do something to convert it to reality because well, I am the guardian, the only one who can make impossible things possible. I want my children happy. Thinking of ways how to do it, I stumbled upon the idea of trying to let her have my core in order to disable all of her powers and suppress her anger to the max. And even if I wanted her to have it forever, well, I can’t for two reasons; first, I can only last for an hour without it and second, that ball will kill Lalisa’s body from the inside if it stayed there for too long.
When I saw my life ball glowing inside her stomach, I stood up and asked, “Are you ready?”

“Nope.” She stubbornly sulked then laid down on the couch.

“You know very well that I can teleport your lazy sulking bum even if you are lying there, right?” I smirked at her and she just rolled her eyes. The nerve. “Come on, you little whiny baby. You’ll thank me later!” Then extended my hand for her to hold and so she did. We were now here at the twenty-fourth floor of my building. I asked Seulgi to prepare a table for two with love songs playing on the background and foods with their designated drinks.

“What is this?” Lalisa asked.

“You sit there,” I pointed at the chair on the right. “I’ll be right back.” Then I disappeared and reappeared somewhere else.     “Hello Ladies.” I greeted.

“OH GOSH! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!” Chaeyoung heaved a deep breath as she rubbed her chest. Geez. Was it that scary?

“I’m sorry.” I showed her a peace sign before tapping her head and Jennie’s.

“Why are you here guardian? And where have you been? Did you know a lot of things happened in just a year?” Chaeyoung bombarded me with questions.

“I’ve used too much power so I rested and, yes, I know everything… I’m here because I need to borrow Jennie for a while.” I said my purpose.

“Where are we going?” Jennie asked.

“To the beginning of your happiness,” I answered with a smile. There were usually two candidates of ‘other half’ per person so now I’m going to see if it was Lalisa who really marked Jennie since Kai and Liza was out of the picture.

“Wait! But I can’t leave. We need to drop our friends to the airport.” She jolted from her seat.

“Go ahead Ruby. By the look on Ms. Zaldy’s face, I think it is something important.” Chaeyoung said. I nodded at her and mouthed, ‘thank you’. And before Jennie can say a word, I held her hand and teleported us to my building.

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