♡ Chapter 12 ♡

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''Wake up sleepy head, come on''
Someone shouted as I felt myself getting hit by pillows.

''Stop it...''
I groaned as I opened my blurry eyes to Jimin leaning
on all fours, on top of me.

''I'm guessing... you're mad at me?''

I giggled nervously at the sight.Jimin usually never wakes me up like this, let alone being in a position such as this.

''No, but I have to say, you have a low alcohol tolerance,
remind me not to give you that much"
Jimin giggled and then got off me.

I sighed, trying not to remember what happened the night before.

''What time is it anyway?''
I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

''Well, let's just say that you slept for a long while, it's currently 4 PM''
Jimin looked back at me as he was about to enter the kitchen.

''Come on, get up. You gotta at least eat something''

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I innocently called out.

He asked, looking at me after putting
away the dishes that he just washed.

''Can I tell you something?
Something that's very important''

I looked down and felt unsure...
What would he say?

''Sure, go ahead. I'm listening''

''Remember last night? That kiss...
I don't know why but... I felt something''
I explained while looking down, fidgeting with my hands.

Jimin stood silent then scoffed playfully.
''I think it's because you were drunk, stupid''

''That's the thing, the times we kissed when I wasn't drunk I felt something too.
I have always told you that women are disgusting...
I really hate them''

I got quiet, not knowing how to continue the sentence.
I was afraid that I was telling Jimin too much.

''Jungkook, what are you trying to say?''
He asked while leaning close to me with his hands on the counter.

''I tried to tell you something yesterday but
I passed out before I could even finish my sentence.
I honestly think... I'm addicted to you.
Addicted to the point where I don't want you to go with someone else''

Silence filled up the room as
Jimin leaned back away from me with wide eyes.

It seems as I've scared him with my words or changed the way he looked at me.

''You're telling me... you like guys?''
He asked slowly, carefully moving closer to me.

I looked down and felt myself tear up.

''Jungkook, answer me truthfully''
Jimin raised my head, my eyes met his.

Suddenly he leaned in and kissed my lips passionately,
brushing his tongue against mine which caused me to softly gasp,
I couldn't pull away... or I didn't want to. I wanted that kiss
to last forever, it started to flicker a wave of pleasure within me.

My mind went numb as I squeezed my hand on the counter,
then Jimin pulled away to catch his breath.

''Tell me, how did that feel?''
He asked while panting softly.

''It felt... good...''
I shamefully answered while looking down again.

Jimin's expression was astonished as if he couldn't believe
what I just told him.

''I won't believe you until I get proof''
He crossed his arms before looking at my body then into my eyes.

''What proof?''
I asked before feeling Jimin grabbing my wrist and dragging me inside the bedroom and shoved me on the bed.

He stood still with his back facing me, holding his finger against the light switch.

''I'll show you something else that feels good''
Suddenly, the room became pitch black,

all I could hear was Jimin's footsteps surrounding me before he climbed on top of me and smashing his lips against mine once again.

That night, I had sex with my stepbrother.

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𝘔𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 || 𝘑𝘪𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now