By now Boris and I were playing cards. He kept beating me at the game which was frustrating. It's currently 7:00pm and we were actually starting to get bored.

Boris- What do we do now?

Me- I actually don't know.

Boris- Well... we can go to a restaurant and get something to eat.

Me- Ummm yah if you want.

Boris- I know a really good restaurant we can go to.

Me- Alright lets go I'm sooooo fucking hungry right now I could eat you.

Boris- Haha, I love-

He stops what he was going to say and stares into nothing.

Me- Are you okay??

Boris- Yes don't worry I'm okay

Me- Kay then stand up. We're leaving.

I lay my hand out to him whilst he was still sitting down on the floor shuffling and packing the cards away. He looks at me before actually reaching out for my hand. He smiled whilst standing up.

Me- What's so funny?? ( I smile)

Boris- No nothing don't worry about it just go put on your shoes!!

He smiles again and I can't help myself but push his head to the side a little before he mumbles a fake " oww". I giggle, heading to the entrance to take my shoes.
He was already ready, he was just waiting for me to finish getting ready.

Boris- It's weird to see you wear make up.

Me- There's a first time for everything right?

Boris- I guess so.

Boris opens the main door indicating me to go through before him. I walk in front of him and once outside heading to the parking lot, Boris places one arm around my shoulder.


Boris- Hurry up and get in it's getting cold.

Me- Okay...

I sit in the front seat, right next to him and started looking outside the window.

Mid November weather, cold, free cloud nights, stars and a full moon.
I love the night, it's so quiet... and peaceful.

At a red traffic light, Boris stop and searches for his something through his things. He does it pretty quickly. No wonder, he's at a red traffic light that can turn green at any time.

To my surprise (or not) he takes out a cigarette out of ANOTHER Marlboro packet.

Me- Seriously? All that for that?

Boris- All that for that.

The traffic light turned green and he was calmly lighting up his shit.

Me- Boris! It's green!!

Suddenly cars start beeping from behind making me jump.

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