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May 1942; amidst a raging war, six young children found a magical world before loosing everything they'd gained. It becomes a bittersweet feeling, the desire to return home overpowering any love for the previous homes in England. Whilst they appreciate the Professor's story, they all miss the comfort of Cair Paravell and the care free feeling when riding through the Eastern Wood. It is because of this that each night, a different child tries to return through the wardrobe - trying to return to their lives they love so much. This carries on for six months, until the war finally becomes bearable enough to return home - just in time for Christmas. Travelling back home to Finchley is tough, knowing that neither families have a magical wardrobe that can transport them to Narnia nor a large forest that can help them reminisce. Linda Mason realises it automatically when her children return to her - they have changed, one for the better and one for the worse. She tries to understand her children's grief, but eventually gives up for they give her nothing in return. Sophia had hoped the Pevensie's would stay in contact, but they live on the southern side of town whilst she and her brother live on the northern. It isn't until school begins back that a spark of happiness is evident in the Mason children - for both Mason children attend the same schools as the Pevensie's. And it is here they reconnect with the world of England, it is here they try to get back to an ordinary life. Only Narnia works in mysterious ways, and that gives them all hope that one day they could return.

~The End~

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