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Abhis POV:

Hello friends, i am Abhishek Prem Mehra how are you all? Ok lemme tell about myself...I am waiting for my 12th result..being a average student I felt very scared of my results..leave about this scary thing. I love to read books mainly romantic novels😍 one fact about me which no one believe is I am a introvert boy and love to spend time with myself.

One fine day, a voice came from my back while I am jogging on the lone road "bhaiya ruko" I saw my neighbor's daughter running towards me...she breath heavily "hey Jiya what made you to run towards me fastly" I asked her...

"bhaiya u love to read stories right"

"Haan jiya"

"Can you please support my online writer friend..she is good at writing but unfortunately her story didn't get enough votes" she told me sadly

"Ok tell me in which website she is writing story"

"It's called Wattpad, u can download from the play store and Moreover u can find any genres of stories there"

"Hmm ok jiya" I turned to leave but she held my hand

"Bhaiya please she will be sad"

Without any ways left I took my phone and downloaded the app for jiya then I voted for the story without reading it.

"Done" I showed thumbs up to her...she kissed me on my cheeks and went back to her house

Being a book lover I can't resist myself to read what is in the Wattpad...when I started to reading one by glance fell on a book "Kumkumbhagya" .

Pragyas POV:

Hello dearies .I am 11 class student .I hate studies and I have no dreams at all .but still I am position holder .because I wanna stand on my own foots .I am afraid of just my dad .he is very strict .I love to make friends .

But my dad never allows me .even i am not allow to touch mobile and to save my class mate numbers .so the question arises how do i use wattpad .i made an excuse to father that i want to take lectures so he allow me .i know we should not lie but i was so alone since my elder sister bulbul goes to university .i had no one except her to talk about my all fears and thinking about 10 class results make me more afraid 

I am extremely crazy and fun loving .some how I join wattpad while reading stories of my favourite show kumkum bhagya .so I became a writer their too .

I get many sweet friends .all were so good .then I meet some one a girl .her name was abhira ...................................................

Ok friends I will write the next chapter lengthy .till then bye 

till then bye 

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