Chapter 1: The kidnapping

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5 months latter

Mew two chuckled as he flew above the sky making sure ash nor anyone else would see him. The plan was in motion his clones where ready he had the help. Now all he needed was the boy named ash.

" Mhhhmmm.Hmmmmmmm.....aah aaah aahh...." Ash sang a tune as he rode on his bike into town.

" Hey loser!!" misty yelled

" Hun oh hey mist- OW!!!!" ash yelped as rocks where thrown at him.

" HA! Stupid! " misty laughed once more along with Brock 

" WE used to be FRIENDS WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS ??!!" as said as he cried from the pain.

" We where only pretending to your friends so we could get close to a pika chu!" Brock yelled

Ash then sobbed and ran

" Hey every body look at CRY BABY ASH!!!" misty and Brock yelled

" You'll be sorry !" ash quietly sniffed in his tears " You all will be sorry!" as soon as he said those words ash let it out and sobbed

" Ash there you ar- OH HONEY!" ash's mom said as she ran to her crying son

" There there it's gonna be okay... Come let get you out of the mud and rain....." she said as she wrapped her arm around him and into the house.

Time skip

Ash had haven a hot bath and was now in pjs sitting on the couch crying...

" Here it's chocalte mochi your favorite..." ash's mother said 

" T-thanks" ash mummbled as he took a bite.

" I'm so telling their parents!" mom said 

" Mom they don't have any Brock watches his siblings, and  misty lives with him." ash repiled

" Still picking on you like that!" mom said in an agrey tone " And to top it you did nothing wrong!!!" 

She sighed 

" How about I let you watch some anime while i go TALK to the mayor on this matter...." she said

" O-okay ..." ash said as he turned on the tv

"When ya run out there's a bowl next to you with mochi!" mom called " Bye ash"

" bye mom " ash said 

A few hours had past and ash soon fell asleep If he was awake for one more minute he would have heard the front door open and a shadow like figure walking up to him......

Carefully the person picked ash up with some things of his and disapeared into the night....

" Ash sweetie im- home-..... ASH???!!! ASH WHERE ARE YOU???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!" his mom screamed

She looked down to find a note

" Dear Mrs. Kectum ash is with me..... he won't be coming back........ta ta....." the note 


" N-no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!" she screamed " ASh come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she cried 

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