Chapter 21:Misty and brock break free...

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Misty when it looked like they where finaly gonna die.....jumped up with brock and ran to where ash was...

when they got there , they gasped at what the saw

" ash what has that monster done to you and your mom!?" Brock yelled

" he has done nothing! You know i'm getting real tired of explaing that to you!" ash yelled

" and i'm tired of you! Your hurt my baby and i don't want you hurting my grand babbiess!" delia yelled

" we know we messed up but please....mrs.kectum mewtwo has obviously brainwashed ash!" brck said

" No he hasn't!" ash yelled

" i would never do that anyway!" mewtwo grolwed....angry that the thought he would do such a thing....

" ash please come back...we can start over...." misty said getting close to him

" get your hands of him! you bitch!" mewtwo yelled bitch slapping her and grabbing ash..." Misty ...i'm gay i always have been....i love mewtwo...and he loves me.....pease leave me and my mate alone....along with our children!" ash said

" No! Your not gay...that freak has you under a spell! misty said

" No he dosen't ...i will never love you or brock so go!!" ash yelled

" b-but...." brock said 

" you heard him leave and never return...." mewtwo said erasing there memories and taking them back to pallet town....

Forgotten Emotions  ( mew two x ash )Where stories live. Discover now