Chapter 18: Beware The Viciously Determined Grandma!

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delia ran as fast as she could before doing parkour  over a ten foot fence then summer saulting into a downward ramp the led her on to a unocupiaded.... speed boat ...she put in the keeys and got into a life jacket and started up the speed boat to full speed.....

" MOMMY"S COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" delia screamed as she zoomed pashed an old fisherman.....

" oh my...." the old man said clutching his chest before shivering in total fear

" john......get the helicopter....." a cop said

" um sir....the comuinty took that away after we got drunk, and crashed into a house then stripped and partied there....." john said

" oh right get the boat then...." the cop said....

" um sir....we lost it after a pokemon did the octopus thing a dragged it to the bottom of the ocean....." john said

" we'll.....just leave her off with a warning....." the cop sighed


" Don't worry! ash i'll be there soon nothing will stand in my WAY!!!!!!!!!!" delia screamed as she made the boat go over a gaint water pokemon.....

" hey mewtwo....." ash said

" yeah?" mewtwo said

" i got a strange feeling that my mother gonna break in here to se me and her grandkids....." ash said

" ok....well...umshould i put a welcome mat out?" mewtwo asked " or should i put on a bowtie?"

ash then face palmed....

meanwhile....delia docked the speed boat and ran up the ramps and caverns of new islaand till she got to the door....she then broke it down and screamed

" MOMMY"S COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the top of her ungs...scarring the cloned pokemon...and mewtwo..... as ash sweatdropped...

20 minutes latter...

" HERE"S DELIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" delia screamed knocking down the door....

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" mewtwo screamed with joy

" MOM.....please....." ash said as he sweat dropped

" Oh there you are! My baby and grand babies!!!!!!" delai cried death hugging her son....and grandchildren.....

"hey in the world did you get here?!' ash asked

" just have to get your hands...a little roughed up..." delia said

ash sweatdrooped....whlie mewtwo shivered behind him....

" Oh there such cutties! with there little tails and big eyes.....whre they a c section on long was labor.....what are there old are they? which came out first.....who cut the cord? are the premies....or on  time?" delia began asking

" uh............." mewtwo said ""

" mom....just hold them...." ash said

" oh my god there so cute!' delai squealed.....

ash sighed and rolled his eyes....meanwhile

" SOMEBODY HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" brock and misty screamed as the machine atacked them.....

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