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Joe woke up to bright streams of light coming from outside through the cracks that were left in the curtains. After taking a moment to allow his eyes to adjust to the light, he turned his head slightly to see wisps of red hair splayed out across his chest, a smile immediately forming on his face as he did. As Dianne was on a well deserved day off from tour, Joe stayed in his current position to let his girlfriend sleep for as long as possible. Girlfriend. It wasn't a word that Joe had been associating with himself for very long, in-fact, he had began to think that it never would be a word that he would ever associate with himself - but he was wrong.

Joe had always had trouble in finding love. No matter how hard he tried to find it, nothing ever seemed to work out for him for one reason or another. One big reason was his job. To girls, he always thought he came across as quite immature, not ready for a relationship. Although he was fairly immature online, Joe had a serious side which wasn't often shown to the public. Many people didn't understand this about him, but he'd soon come to terms with that this was something he would have to accept. Another problem with his job was that he was afraid to share anything about a girl online, in fear of his fans making unnecessary comments to them in the event of a breakup. But this had never been a problem with Dianne.

Both working in the entertainment industry, Dianne understood that a lot of what Joe was perceived to be online was just a persona that had ended up creating - a sillier, more childish version of himself. And thankfully, their personalities matched perfectly. When the pair first met, there was something about Dianne that Joe was instantly drawn to; perhaps it was her bright hair indicating that she was confident and wasn't afraid of a bit more attention on herself. Through the first weeks of the competition, Joe had thought that his feelings towards her were just very strong feelings of friendship, that they had a bond that wouldn't be broken. He found himself wanting to spend more and more time with the girl he was already spending up to 13 hours a day with. It was then that he realised, it wasn't friendship that he felt for the girl, it was love.

After the revelation to himself, Joe became quite distant for a while. He had never felt this way about anyone before - and it scared him a lot. At first, Dianne had put Joes distance down to being stressed out about the dance, but after the show on Saturday, she realised that that wasn't the case. Determined to find out, Dianne went to Joe's dressing room to question him. Not bothering to knock, she walked in to see Joe sat on the sofa, head in hands, looking more stressed than he had the rest of the week. She slowly approached him, Joe still not moving. Sitting next to him, Dianne realised that he hadn't yet noticed her in the room. Placing her hand on his shoulder, Joe flinched not knowing who it was. Instead of relaxing at her touch like he usually did, he tensed up. It was at that moment that the idea came to Dianne's mind that she had done something. She fast became panicked. Quickly removing her hand from his shoulder and shuffling away from him, tears began to pool in her eyes. Dianne already knew that she loved Joe, long before he knew how he felt. Feeling Dianne's quick movement, Joe looked up to see a sight that broke his heart, the girl that he was now certain he loved, sitting there crying, due to him being so off with her. He had never really had to deal with real emotions before, so the only thing he could think to do was to engulf her in a hug. He felt the tenseness in her body dissipate almost as soon as he came into contact with her. "J-Joe, p-please tell me w-what, what I've d-done" Dianne said through her sobs. Joes heart sank. He didn't know how to tell her that she hadn't done anything wrong but that it was him who had done something wrong by falling in love with her in the first place. "Dianne, well-i-you see" Joe rambled, not knowing exactly what to say. Dianne pulled away to see Joe looking embarrassed and confused. She didn't know what to do, but in that moment, all she wanted to do was kiss him. So she did. Joe was shocked at first, unmoving and not returning the kiss. As Dianne went to pull away Joe realised what was happening and pulled her back in.

Since the night of their first kiss, the pair had been inseparable. They were completely in love with one another, and now, they didn't care who knew it. As Joe thought about all of the wonderful memories with the girl who he was pretty certain was the love of his life, he smiled to himself. He began to feel Dianne start to stir on his chest, indicating that she was waking up. His final thought before leaning down to give his girlfriend a "good morning" kiss was the question of "how did I ever manage to end up here?". He answered it himself. I guess it was all luck.

hi! i hope you're all enjoying these one shots so far. send in some requests for one shots you'd like to see :)

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