anything but lonely

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Joe woke up once again to a cold bed and loneliness clouding his mind. She'd only been gone for 2 days yet Joe longed for her to be back in his arms. The Strictly pro tour had kicked off two days ago in Salford and he hadn't been able to see Dianne since. Soon enough, the feeling of loneliness in his sleepy mind was overclouded by the overwhelming excitement that he would see her that night in Bournemouth and then bring her back home to celebrate her birthday on one of her few rest days during this tour. As soon as he felt the excitement rushing through him, he immediately jumped out of bed to have a shower in anticipation of seeing his girlfriend later on. As he stood in the shower, the hot water rushing down his body, he thought about how quickly this girl who had had only known for a short time, had become the most important person in his life. If you had told him a year ago that within the short space of a year that he would have a serious girlfriend who he longed to be with every second of the day, he would have laughed. But now, he couldn't imagine life without the crazy redheaded australian girl that he had become so fond of over the past months. Joe realised how lost he had become in his thoughts and quickly got out of the shower to get changed and start his day, the excitement still looming of being able to see her later on.

Joe had just arrived at the venue in Bournemouth and parked the car which he had been loaned for a few days in which he would transport him and his girlfriend home in later on tonight. As he stepped out of the car, he quickly rushed to the stage door in which he had been told to go to in fear of seeing anyone else, which would only prolong the time in which he wasn't able to see the bubbly girl who had grown to adore.

Joe knocked frantically on the door that he had been directed to by one of the runners, being told that it was the girls dressing room and that Dianne would likely be in there. He heard some voices and then some footsteps approaching the door. Within a few seconds, the door had flung open and he had quickly been engulfed into the arms of the girl who he had missed so sorely during their short two day separation. As Joe stood there, girlfriend in arms, he thought about how lucky he was to have met someone who's personality was so compatible to his own. Not only had they fallen in love with on another, they had fallen in love with each-others passions. Whenever given a break, Dianne would take the time to teach Joe either the Rumba or the Tango, as those were the only two dances that they hadn't done on the show. Joe revelled in still being able to do the thing which had brought them together in the first place, even more so knowing that the dance didn't have to be perfected in a timeframe, meaning they could really take the time to enjoy it. Joe also loved watching how natural Dianne was in front of the camera. It had always been a big worry for him in finding a girlfriend, how they would handle his job. The thought had slowly crept in to Joe's mind that dianne might leave him after seeing how intense his job could get due to his fanbase, but this worry had been completely shattered when Dianne had gone as far as making her own youtube channel. He couldn't help but well up with an enormous feeling of pride whenever he saw her editing one of her videos to post, knowing that she loved his job just as much as he does. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the very familiar australian voice saying the words he was planning to say.
"I've missed you"
"I've missed you too"
Joe pulled her closer into his chest, a feeling of warmth spreading throughout his body as the close contact of his girlfriend which had been so absent the past two days. After a few seconds, Joe came to the realisation that they weren't alone in the room as someone sneezed. Joe pulled away from Dianne slightly, still keeping one arm around her. As he looked around the room, he saw a couple of the other female professional dancers that he had gotten to know throughout his time on strictly. Realising that he also hadn't said anything to anyone since his arrival a few minutes ago, Joe went into the room fully and sat down on the sofa, dianne soon sitting next to him, legs over his, as if she was scared to lose contact incase he left. Joe turned to his right to see Katya on her phone laughing at something. "Katya, I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?" he questioned, trying to politely make conversation with the others. Soon enough Dianne and Nadiya, who was also sat in the room, were also brought into the conversation. After talking for around half an hour, Joe decided to go and see the male professional dancers in their dressing room as to not be invasive whilst the girls got changed and ready for the first number of the show.

Entering the boys dressing room, Joe was greeted by many whistles from the boys who he hadn't seen in a while but considered to be good friends after spending so much time with them during the actual show and on the tour. He sat and spoke to the boys for a while, them asking Joe what he had gotten Dianne for her birthday, and also what he had planned for the day. He explained how he planned to take her down to Brighton for the day, and that they were going to take a cake that he had ordered her, also explaining to them all of the presents he had gotten her. After talking to them for a while whilst they got ready for the show, there was a rasp knock on the door, Joe stood to answer it, finding a short redhead stood there smiling up at him. A small smile immediately settled on his face at the sight of her.
"I thought we could spend some time together before the show starts? I've just missed you a lot. It's fine if you're busy or-" Dianne's ramble was cut short by Joe giving her a small peck on the lips in hopes of silencing her, it working.
"I've missed you a lot too. Why don't we go and get some food from catering before you go on? Or just a juice if you've already eaten?" Joe questioned, holding both her hands in his, looking at her lovingly.
"I'd like that" was Dianne's simple reply. The couple walked through the backstage corridors hand in hand until they reached their agreed upon destination. Peering into the room, they realised that it was empty and that it would be a good place for the pair to spend some much needed time together. Despite not being separated long, the pair felt as if they had a months worth of things to catch up on. They grabbed a juice each, sat down at the table, and began to talk about their past couple of days without each-other.

The show was coming to an end, and Joe couldn't wipe the big smile which had formed on his face approximately 5 seconds after Dianne had started dancing. Seeing her do what she loved, and what she was good at, made his heart swell with an overwhelming feeling of pride.
As the lights went down, Joe and Oti's husband Marius were quickly collected by a runner and directed back stage to avoid any swarms of fans. Joe almost immediately spotted the gorgeous red hair which he had grown accustomed to fiddling with as soon as he stepped back stage. As soon as she spotted Joe, she skipped her way over towards him, smile still wide on both of their faces. As she approached him, he held his arms open and not soon later, they were filled with the love of his life. Joe thought back to the morning, how he had felt lonely in their cold bed. He was so glad that he would be able to wake up tomorrow, his girlfriend in arms, warm, and feeling anything but lonely.

hi! i hope you're all enjoying these one shots so far. send in some requests for one shots you'd like to see :)

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