Chapter 1

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I remembered going to bed, she was there in my ear, as always, and after that it was all blank. I couldn't remember anything from that point forward. No matter how hard I tried to remember I couldn't seem to break through the fog in my mind. After the thousandth try I gave up trying and drifted off to sleep. The doctor was keeping me in over night. She did a CAT scan on me to make sure the black out wasn't the result of a concussion, but as she said,
"Everything looks perfectly normal."

I heard her in my dreams, West. It wasn't enough that I was fantasising about her in real life, now I heard her in my dreams? The only problem is I could never conjure a face to match the voice. Nothing in my wildest dreams seemed worthy of a voice like hers. Everything I imagined was too mundane, too common. She sounded breath taking, like something an artist would piece together one warm full mooned night.

I pictured my self as the artist, sculpting her perfection out of clay.
Gosh snap out of it Barry! I felt something stir and opened my eyes lazily as I woke up. The sun was dimming, announcing that it was late afternoon. I took in my surroundings before turning my attentions to the reason I woke up. Laying on my right arm, snuggled up to my side was a little girl. She had long ebony curls and her skin was a radiant caramel colour. Her cheek bones were cushioned by the most voluptuous cheeks and her closed eyes were rimmed with long black eyelashes. Her tiny full lips smiled as she made herself comfortable beside me.

I stared down at her for what felt like hours. She was so beautiful, so innocent. I felt drawn to her. Like she was a part of me that I had been waiting to find. I wanted to protect her at all costs and make sure that smile never left her face.  Before I could register what I was doing I brought my left arm over and hugged her closer to me than kissed her gently on the forehead.
"Sleep tight little one. Later I'll help you find your mommy and daddy." I whispered, before placing my cheek on her head and joining her in sleep.

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