Chapter four

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"The owners of the house last name is Steal. They have a son and a daughter."

"Perfect, so which one is going to be our victim?" She rubs her hands together and licks her lips like a lion getting ready to pounce. I think this question over and decide to borrow the girl. The daughter is always the princess. And the boy is like 17 and that would be way to much work.

"The girl."

I answer in a voice that indicates that I have thought this through thoroughly. And I have. If I were a mother or father, I would do anything to protect my daughter; hopefully, they will too. My sinister laugh fills the car quickly before I go back to being quiet.

"Alright, who is she and where can we find her?" I click the link of the app that my parents are a subscriber to for some unknown reason. I type the family's last name and where they live and wait. When it loads, I click on the name labeled Isabella Steal. It says her age is 30, so I try the next girl name on the list; Jasmine Steal. She is four years old and from the looks of the picture, tiny. She is in a house a few blocks away from the cabin. It's now or never, and I will get my parents back.

"She lives close to the cabin. It shouldn't be that long of a drive." I wonder if this app is legal. Probably not. I mean I'm not against it because it's not like my parents jobs are legal either."You need to change." I say blandly because in my mind I'm still contemplating what I'm going to wear.

Clothes are a main aspect in judging people. Most personalities are based off of clothing. When I get upstairs, I change into a tight, black dress that is held together by two strings on each of my sides; one near the hem of the dress on opposite sides of each other and two more strings above those. For my shoes I grab my stilettos that are laced with diamonds.

I fix my makeup applying a thick layer of my mothers black lipgloss and use the bathroom before returning downstairs.

Isha is still not back when I get down there, so I go to the fridge. I choose to eat some grapes and strawberry, so I pull them out and walk to the couch. Isha walks in as I take the first bite of a strawberry.

Her outfit is similar to mine except that the dress is solid black with no straps or anything extra. The heels she is wearing also have a charm hanging from the ankle strap, and in my opinion, they would look cuter if they were taller. We take a mirror picture together because we look hot as hell and post it on Snapchat. We look like we're headed to dance on some tables at a bar instead of headed to kidnap a four-year-old girl. Same difference, right?

"Hopefully the older brother answers the door." I say the words as they pop into my head and we both bust out laughing. Honestly, it would make it much smoother if the older brother answered the door, then we could easily seduce our way in and take the girl. He probably won't, but one can always dream.

"Are you ready to go?" she asks in an impatient voice. Rolling her eyes as I slowly put another grape into my mouth. I chew slowly like one of those girls on a food commercial. Savoring every bite, just to get on her nerves. She rolls her eyes at me before pacing around the room. God what's her deal, she's acting like a total bitch.

"No, I'm obviously still eating." I curse at her under my breath for trying to rush me. Today is one of those days that I'm done with everyone and want to sleep. Everyone has those days, right? I hear her sigh under her breath, and I secretly roll my eyes. I eat slower to get on her nerves the same way she is doing mine.

It takes me about an hour to finish my fruit. I eat the last few pieces extra slow just to get on her nerves even more. She's fun to make mad.

"Alright, now I'm ready," I say and make my way to the red Corvette sitting in the garage. I love my car; it's my baby. Most fifteen-year-olds have their dogs, but I have my car. I make sure that I still have Mother's drivers license, just in case, and I fly out of the garage.

We arrive at the house oddly faster than I expected. I was going about thirty miles over the speed limit, but I didn't get caught so all is good. We knock on the door, and to our luck, the older brother, and what I assume are a few of his friends, open the door.

I hear someone near the back of the group whistle, and my eyes roll around in their sockets. Perverts. Actually, that was our goal. Their still perverts though.

"Umm, could I use your bathroom, I really have to go, and this house seems the least sketchy than the others in this neighborhood." I bat my eyelashes and pucker my lips making me look so innocent yet so dirty at the same time. He picks up his jaw from the ground and refocuses his eyes.

"Umm, yeah sure. It's down the hall to the right. Just show yourself out after." His eyes rake up and down my body before resting on my face again.

"Ok, thank you!"

He opens his arms for us to walk in and we act like we are going to the bathroom. My hip "accidentally" collided with his as I walk past him. When we hear the footsteps of the boys track upstairs we, take our shoes off and follow.

The floor is sticky with traces of dirt, that stick to my feet with every step I take. I have to remind myself that it's for my parents over and over so I don't turn around and walk out. We stumble upon a door that is covered in drawings, and not the pretty type. The door opens with a loud creek and I almost have a heart attack. If she wakes up we're done for, we may as well go home if she wakes up.

I give Isha a maniacal look when I see the sleeping child. We quietly glide over to the sleeping monster and I pause for a second. Should we really be doing this; it feels so wrong yet so right all at the same time. I never expected to get past the door on this mission, but here we are about to grab the little child and take her home with us. I know we won't treat her bad, I'm not that bad. It's just that this makes me feel evil, but after all evil is what we need right now.

When I pick her up she doesn't wake. "Thank god," I whisper under my breath. I close the door behind us and quickly look both ways. We quickly maneuver ourselves down the stairs, out the door, and to the car before anyone notices.

Little Jasmine sets in Isha's lap as I pull onto the highway. She doesn't wake at the multiple bumps that we hit on our way out, not once. It's like she's dead, but I can see her breathing so all is good. I don't speed on account that there is a child in the car. I would never put a child's life at risk, no matter how much I hate them.

She stays asleep the whole ride back and doesn't wake up until we lie her on the couch. Her little mouth morphs into a circle as she yawns. Her arms stretch out from her sides and she yawns again.

Her scream fills the room when her eyes open. I pet her head like a dog trying to calm her.
"It's ok Jasmine; we're not going to hurt you. Shhh." I grab her and rock her in my arms trying harder to calm her. Her tiny first connect with my body but doesn't hurt me. The feet that she kicks me with kind of do though.

She finally stops screaming and studies my face. Worry crosses her face and she studies us hard. Anyone in their right mind can tell that this fragile girl setting in my lap is scared to death.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Monica, and this is Isha, we're babysitting you for tonight." My lies come out so natural that I'm starting to believe them myself. I look at the clock and see that it's around four in the afternoon.

"Are you hungry, thirsty, anything on the lines of that?"

"No," her answer is sharp like she already had it planned out before I asked. Isha leaves the room and comes back a few minutes later with a bucket of nail polish in her hands.

"How about we paint our nails?" she says in a chipper voice raising, her eyebrow when she finishes her sentence. God this is going to be such a mess.

"Yeah, sure," Jasmine replies shrugging to go along with her voice. For such a young girl, she sure does have an attitude.

We paint our nails and have fun before we order pizza. By the time we finish eating and having a girls night, I am absolutely tired. We put Jasmine in the room across from mine and turn out all the lights. Tomorrow we will give her back to her parents and get mine in return. All we have to do is wait for sundown tomorrow. I drop on my bed like a dog and pass out without even changing out of my dress.

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