Chapter 1

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Authors Note: If you get confused,  this is after Hyakkimaru got his hearing and voice back.

Silence. Nothing but a seemingly long silence. Then, laughter. Loud and obnoxious laughter. Crouching over while holding your stomach, you can't stop the little bursts of happiness escaping your mouth. Such accusations and from a kid nonetheless. Gathering yourself up as best as you can, you continue the conversation.

"I must admit, you are a crack up." You say in between short gasps. "Where did you hear such a thing. I gotta know." Now this is entertaining. Not just a minute ago you were bored out of your mind. It's just your luck that someone came to distract you from it. You want to see how far this goes. From the look on the childs face, he looks somewhat offended. "Hey! I'm serious lady, so quit the laughing! Anyway, we heard there was a monster in this town. For a certain price, my bro over here can slay it for ya."

You like this kids way of thinking. Ignoring that feature for a second though, you look up further to see a second person. You guess you were so caught up in this charade that you didn't even notice him. From first glance he kinda looks scary. His scowl sure does help him with that. And also those yellowish-brown eyes of his.

The strangers clothing choice is one of a kimono, held together by a white cloth. It's pitch black with some type of weird pattern all over. Like the kids, its ratted and ripped. Instead of having a sachel on the side, he holds a sword. You can't help but notice his prosthetics that makes up most of his body. He reminds you of a broken soul trapped in a broken body. Quite fitting really.

His hair is even darker than the kids, if that's physically possible. Like an even darker abyss. If that makes sence. Put all of that together and you get a pretty attractive dude. You try to return your attention back to the kid, but the fact that the stranger wont stop staring is starting to annoy you. You decide stare right back to make him uncomfortable. But when his eyes clearly won't back down, you try a different tactic.

"You know, " you say, starting it off "maybe if you draw a picture it'll last longer." The stranger says nothing in return, causing you to frown.
"Don't mind big bro, he does that alot. It's nothing against you really."

"Is that so. Why does he do that?"

"He can't see you. He can only see your soul. He's blind in a way."


And now you feel bad. You were just rude to a blind dude. Just great. Sweat droping, you go to apologize. "My bad. I was a bit of an asshat." You go from behind the brown, dusty cart to infront of it. Then, you reach out your hand for a shake. "My names (y/n) (l/n) and don't go wearing it out, " You finish with a wink. "And yours is..." Again you are met with silence. You're starting to think he's retarted. Facing your attention back to the kid, you ask "Is he always like this or is he just deaf too."

"His name is Hyakkimaru and my names Dororo. Big bro is not deaf, just weird. Nice to meet ya." Dororo shakes your hand for the dumb stranger instead. "Likewise. Now explain why you're spoke to me." You ask in response. "You see me and my bro travel to fight demons." So that's what he means when he said monsters. Or to be more specific, demons." Getting anxious, you let him continue.

"We came across this village hearing there was something worth fighting. The thing is, we couldn't find it. So I decided to ask around if someone knew where to find a demon. Then,  someone said 'the local theif' would know where to find one. Now here we are, in your presence." Now you're the one that's silent. Do they know? Do they know who you truly are? What you truly are? You go into high alert mode, deciding it was the best option.

"Sorry kid, I don't know anything about no demons." You reply, avoiding eye contact. "Come on! You have to know something!" Dororo says, grabing your clothes in desperation. What is wrong with this kid? Why do they want to fight demons so badly? Pushing him off,  you shake your head. "No can do. I don't know nothing."

The frown that appears on Dororo's face is absolutely heart breaking. The puffing out of his cheeks and his depressed slouching doesn't make it any better. You want to help, but at the same time... "Come on bro I guess there nothing here. Lets find another village." Dororo says sadly. Before they both turn around fully, you stop them in their tracks. "Hey!" Damn your weakness for children. "I think I know someone who does." You just had to say something.

"Oh thank goodness. Show us who does." Dororo replys. The smile on his lips and the glimmer in his eyes are clear as day. This is gonna be a long evening.

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