chapter 01

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+ M A R G A U X —

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+ M A R G A U X

RINI's 'My Favourite Clothes' blasted on my speakers meaning it's time to go take a bath and prepare for the day. I stretch, get up, and fix my bed. Today's the last day of my 3rd year in college and I couldn't be more excited for summer- but I am honestly scared of what's in store for me. It's still 4:00 a.m in the morning so after I took a shower, I went through my reviewers since our final exams will also be today. I keep my reviewers and I head down to the nearest Starbucks to have breakfast since it was already 7:00 a.m in the morning and our exams start at 8:30.

I go to the counter and I order my usual drink, "One chai tea latte and a sticky cinnamon bun." I ordered. "Okay miss, that would be 7 dollars, may I get your name? "

"Margaux, with an 'X' " I told her, and I went to my seat. 

"Diane. " A familiar voice called out which made me turn to the right. There I saw no other than Marcus, with that smug look on his face.

"It's nice to see you here, Vincent,"  I smirked at him as he took a seat beside me. "Don't call me Vincent." He said whilst having a disgusted look on his face. "If you stop calling me Diane."

"No can do, babe, you know I'm the only one who calls you Diane and you like it." He grinned as I rolled my eyes at him.

"One chai tea latte and a sticky cinnamon bun for, Margaux." The barista yelled so I stood up and took my order.

"An iced chai tea latte as always." Marcus pointed out. "What? You always order a caramel macchiato when we go to Starbucks." I retorted back. He chuckled and brought out his phone.

"Why don't you review for our exams instead?" I asked. He put his phone down and said, "I already did, I woke up at 4:00 a.m, I think I'm fine, Margaux." He replied.

"Alright, I'll review so don't disturb me," I told him. "I make no promises." He sighed as I went to review my notes.

After we had breakfast at Starbucks,  he drove me on the way to school. I sat in the passenger seat and I connected to his car's radio. I played 'My Favorite Clothes' it was my favorite song at the moment. I looked at Marcus whose hazel eyes were concentrated on the road. The chorus of the song started to play and I sang along.

"Cause I can't make you stay if you wanna go," I sang but then Marcus interrupted me by saying, "are you trying to tell me something?" I half smiled and replied, "I'm just singing and I like the song."

He looked at me for a while and he held my left hand and he kissed it, then said. "I won't leave you, Diane."  "Sure," I mumbled without him hearing what I said and I looked out the window.

We were near our school and it was still 7:50, so we had plenty of time. "Hey, Marcus, do you want to stay at the library first?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, I'll park at the main building then we walk to the library."  He replied as I nod.

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