ouch (6.1.19)

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"God, you look so beautiful," he murmurs against the pillow on his bed, ruffling his dark purple hair.

I laugh, picking up a random sweater from his closet and throwing it over my head. Namjoon had the comfiest sweaters in the entire world, and a plus, they smelled really good. "Thanks, boo," I send a flying kiss his way, earning a wide dimpled, gorgeous smile from him.

"You know," Jin starts to say, dropping his phone on the couch after obsessively texting his girlfriend, "if I didn't know you guys, I'd definitely think you're dating or at least," he shrugs, "shagging."

"Best friends, man," I laugh at Seokjin's face, wiggling my fingers in front of him, showcasing me and Namjoon's friendship ring. Namjoon sighs. It was almost 2 years ago now when he surprised me with these rings on New Years Eve. The rings were rose gold, his ring had my name engraved on it and I had his on mine. "We're soulmates," he winks at me.

I wink at him right back, scrunching my face into a kiss. "Soulmates."

I hear Jin groan.

"Stop the affection. I'm dying." He pleads, hands clasped together.

A pillow lands across his face. "Hyung, shut up," Joonie chuckles, rolling his eyes at his brother's dramatic way of life.

"You're affectionate with your girlfriend when she comes over too, you know," I shoot him a look, sitting down on Joon's soft mattress.

He rolls his eyes. "That's different," he states.

"How?" Joon and I ask in unison.

He shrugs again for the millionth time, "Chloe's my girlfriend. You guys aren't even together."

"Flirting is how we bond, hyung," Namjoon laughs at him.

I throw my legs over Namjoon's back as he lays down on his tummy. We were never awkward with each other. We never minded the constant touching. It wasn't weird to us hugging or cuddling while watching movies. He was the best friend. We'd have sleepovers, switch clothes even though all my clothes were skintight on his lean and tall muscular build. We'd eat ourselves fat and work out together to get thin again. I'd shove fries up his nose while he slept and do his hair to make him look extra handsome and gorgeous when he went out on dates. He'd buy me stuffed animals, roses, sweets and everything nice on Valentine's day when I didn't have a date. When I did have some sort of relationship he was always there to give my date "the talk". He was there to give me cake and balloons when I got accepted into my dream college. I was there to present him cake and a huge Ryan plushie when he got accepted into my college too. He was my date to prom in high school because nobody would ask me out (I was slapped by puberty so intensely in high school btw) even though he had floods and swarms of girls chasing after him everywhere he went. He was there through my messy breakups and I was there to slap the fuck out his girlfriends who were being pieces of bullshit to him. When we went to college, he introduced me to his friends because I was too shy to hunt for my own. He fed me when I couldn't move a muscle because of being sick or just plain laziness. I changed him out of his dirty clothes when he would pass out after drinking and drinking. He was the one who gave me the birds and the bees talk. He wrote my essays because Lord knows how much of a genius he is. I'd help him write lyrics for his songs. I'd help Seokjin cook for the entire gang when we all hung out. Namjoon was there for me and I for him.

Kim Namjoon is the president of my life.

I laugh to myself, thinking about it.

"What are you laughing at, babe?" he shakes his butt, making my legs shake too.

I laugh and cover his adorable face with my hand. "You're my president, Joon."

He snorts and winks at me. "Damn right I am."

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