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Long ago, two races ruled over Earth; Humans, also known as "Pure Ones." and Monsters, known as "Impure Ones."

One day, the Pure Ones attacked the Impure Ones, disgusted by anything impure.

The Impure Ones, terrified, surrendered to the Pure Ones.

The Pure Ones banished the Impure Ones underground with a spell.

Now, any child born with things that resembled the Impure Ones in any way, would be killed or shamed upon by everyone.

Years after the war, a child is born, named Lorraina.

Lorraina was a beautiful child. She had long, light blue hair, pale skin, and magenta eyes.

However, she was born with small, black horns on her head, and black angle wings on her back.

She was considered Impure the moment she was born, and was tormented by all.

However, this torment would end soon for Lorraina.

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