Chapter One

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Rain. All I could hear was rain and wind as it blew against my face. My silky light blue hair flows behind me wildly, like an ocean on a stormy day. Shielding my face with my arm, I slowly make my way up the mountain. Everything was soaking wet, my shirt, pants, everything. The soft smooth fabric was no more. Yet, the rain wouldn't die down. I squint and look up. I'm almost at the top. Then, I'll come down and my stupid fake friends won't bother me anymore. The wind nearly blows me off the mountain, but I plant my feet in place. I won't let the wind blow me off the mountain and kill me.

When I make it to the top, relief washes over me. I take a few steps forward. The wind blows against my back suddenly, with such a strong force that it sends me forward. I trip over a root sticking out of the ground and fall forward, down a hole. I scream. My pale hands try to grasp the edge, but I still fall. This is it, I think. This is the end.

I awake on a bed of red flowers.

Sitting up, I look around, confused. Am I dead? Where am I? I look up. The hole I fell down is going up, the opening to far up to see anything on the surface. The light filtered through, allowing me to see a little bit. Somehow, I had survived the massive fall.

I stand, assessing my dark surroundings. There was not much I could see beyond the bed of bright red flowers im standing on. I sigh and step off the flowers, then look back. The spot where I had laid had the print of my body on it. I shook my head and walked away, over to a..... doorway? I huffed and stepped through.

There was a patch of grass illuminated by light. I took a few steps forward, twords it.

A pale yellow fower popped out of the ground suddenly, which caused me to stumble backwards. He grinned at me.

He looked scary, to say the least. His pale petals flowers were slightly wilting, and quite a few of them had rips in them. His stem looked thin and delicate, like it could barely hold his head up. At the base of said stem, two leaves were placed. They both had large rips in them. His face really brought his scary persona together. His right eye looked like it was shot out, with a permanent blood trail trickling from it. His other eye looked oddly human like, except the pupil and iris were tiny. His mouth was twisted into a permanent evil grin.

"Howdy!" He said loudly, his voice cracking a little "I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower!!" His head tilted to the side, and his eyes closed. He looked..... innocent. And was weird to me. I smiled shyly and waved, once he opened his eyes. He grinned once again. "Who would've thought, a cute little human falling into a hellhole like this!" He said with a chuckle. He continued, "Geez, you must be so confused! I better teach ya the way things work down here, shouldn't i?"

The world seemed to go slightly dark and gray. I looked around, it seemed like I was in a white box. In front of me, there was a dark blue glowing heart. I reached out and gently stroked it, which sent a weird feeling through me.

Flowey chuckled at me. "I see you've found that little heart! That heart is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!!" I stepped to the side a little, and my soul moved right with me. I smiled a little. Flowey continued, "Your SOUL starts off very weak, but can get much stronger if you gain LV, or LOVE! You want LOVE, right?" He asked. I nodded my head feverishly. Flowey chuckled. "Don't worry friend, I'll share some with ya!" Flowey said with a cheeky wink. Six white bullet looking things appeared like an arch around him.

"Down here, LOVE is shared through...little white....'Friendliness Pellets!'" The pellets flew at me as Flowey said "Go on! Get as many as you can!" I nodded and reached out, touching a pellet.

Pain shot through my entire body as I let out a small scream. More pellets flew at me and I only dodged two out of the six. I fell down onto my hands and knees, looking at the ground ad Flowey laughed evilly at my pain. "Y O U I D I O T. I N T H I S W O R L D, I T S K I L L OR B E K I L L E D-" His sentence was abruptly cut off my him letting out a pained yelp.

I looked up to see him flying away. Spots of black slowly filled my vision, the last thing me seeing was the blurry image of a tall lady walking twords me, with a dark purple robe and black sleeves. On her back I thought I could faintly see two....wings? My vision went completely dark. My ears slowly filled with the sound of ringing, the last thing I hear is a sweet voice saying " poor, poor child...." I felt large hands pick me up, and arms cradling my small form as I blacked out

Whew! This took me a long time to write and get out! I hope you like this, it's one in the morning so I will go to bed now. Bye!
(Also if you see any mistakes feel free to point them out to me :3)

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