Chapter 3: Last Chance

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"I'm here." as Siwon opened the door, all curious eyes were immediately glued on him. On the other side of the room, the leader's face is still the same expression he made earlier when they were still on the phone; disappointed.

"Let's talk later." The leader told him as he signaled Eunhyuk to start the practice.

Siwon felt uneasy. while on their rehearsal, he couldn't even focus. He was trying to think of a reason to tell the leader later. During their water break, the leader immediately went to him. But this time, his expression softened unlike earlier.

"Siwon, tell me honestly. What happened?" Leeteuk asked seriously as he offered a bottle of water to him.

"Nothing hyung." Siwon blatantly lied as he took the water and drank.

"You know Siwon, you can always approach me if you have a problem or something. I'm always here to listen."

"Really. There's nothing hyung."

"Are you sure? then tell me a valid reason why you wanted to skip the rehearsal earlier?"

Siwon was caught off-guard by the leader's question. He paused for abit, trying to think of a convincing reason. He even thought of just telling him the truth, but later decided not to since he assumed that if he would, the leader will surely get intrigued about it.

In reality, his parents and even Lee Sooman, CEO of SM Entertainment, in which Super Junior is under at, knew about the marriage. His parents even conviced him to announce the marriage publicly. The CEO knew it would affect his popularity big time, but he couldn't do a thing since it was his own parents' wishes. 

The truth was, He and Yeonsu were really close back then. They were childhood friends. They were inseperable. But their relationship was destroyed when both of their parents decided to let them marry each other. Back then, each of them had their special someone. Siwon had a girlfriend, and Yeonsu also has someone she liked. And so, they became awkward until both of them completely treated each other like strangers.

He knew it wasn't Yeonsu's fault about the whole arraging thing. But he couldn't help but blame a part of it to her. He knew how much he was hurting her, but he chose to ignore his conscience and continue living the way like he did before.

"Girl problems?" Leeteuk raised an eyebrow at him and narrowed his eyes as if he's trying to read his mind.

"You think?" Siwon smirked, and made the leader even more curious.

"Who is it this time? Yoona? Eunjung? or Uee?" Leeteuk laughed. 

"Not even one on those you have mention." He laughed.

"Then, who? A new one, aye? Tell me. Is she the same part of the same label as us? or an artist of another company?"

"Hyung," He called seriously as he turn to him.


"What if you hurted someone so much that even sorry can't make her forgive you? What would you do?"

The leader thought for awhile, trying to analyze his question and thinking of something deeper at his words. And after awhile, the leader smiled as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Siwon, Actions speaks louder than words. If you can't convince her that you're really sorry, show her."

"Thanks hyung." He smiled as Leeteuk's advice finally sank in him. 


Yeonsu laughed as she watch her daughter dancing one of her father's song 'Sorry, sorry'. It was almost Siyeon's bedtime, but she kept on distracting her so she wouldn't sleep earlier. 

"Okay. That's enough. Come here." She called her.

Siyeon then went to her and sat on her lap. Looking up, Siyeon smiled at her mother, hinting for something.

Yeonsu stared at her and softly laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell a story." She announced as she tucked her under the blanket and sat beside her.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl. That little girl is always happy and strong. There were no times that you would see her cry. One day, she went on a playground to play. She ran towards the swing since it was one of her favorite to play with. But since she was alone, no one's there to push her. and so, for the first time, she cried. She cried and cried until a little boy saw her and..."She stopped when the sound of Siyeon's snore can be heard. She smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight, my daughter." She whispered.

She stood up and headed to the door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see Siwon standing behind the door, listening.

"You're home." She smiled as she walked towards the kitchen to prepare him his dinner. Siwon followed her.

"I heard you were telling Siyeon a story.." Yeonsu stopped with her tracks and felt her cheeks warm up. She knew what he meant. 

"You were telling her the story on how we met." He smiled. Yeonsu turned red. "Will you continue the story for me? I want to hear it and try to reminisce those memories." He added.

Yeonsu smiled at him and continued the story like he asked,

"and the little boy continuedly pushed her until she stopped crying. The little girl once again smiled and at the same time giggled. Though the little boy felt tired of pushing, seeing the little girl happy, he is also happy. And from that moment on, the little boy promised her that whenever she needed someone to push her on the swing, he'll always be there." She ended as she placed the plate infront of him. She was about to walk away when he held her hand to prevent her from leaving.

"Let's talk." He said.

Yeonsu sat down infront of him without saying any word. He stared at him, waiting for him to finish eating.

"So Yeonsu." He called. She was surprised when he called her with her complete name. She haven't heard him say it for quite awhile. He held her hand tightly and started to speak, "Give me one last chance. Let's start over." 

Yeonsu quirked an eyebrow at him, obviously confused. Siwon smiled as he tightened his held of her hands more. 

"Let's start over. and by that, i mean from the very start. from the very first time we met." He winked. He then pulled her up and dragged her out. Before leaving the condo, he dialled a number on her phone.

"Jiwon, will you do me a favor? Can you watch after Siyeon tonight? Me and Yeonsu are going somewhere." He told her sister on the other line, in which, the other latter agreed.

"Yah! Choi Siwon! Where are you taking me?"

"To a place where our story started." He smiled. 

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