Good or Bad Vibes

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Before I knew it, I was walking to lunch. I entered and skimmed the room with my eyes looking for Hailey. I saw her at a table already filled except for the seat beside her. I quickly went through the lunch line and walked over to the table.

"Oh, hey Cat! Everybody, this is Cat!" Hailey pointed between her friends and I as I slowly took a seat between her and a blonde boy. He looked at me and smiled, holding out his hand. I hesitantly shook it and he laughed.

"Nice hand shake pip-squeak, I'm Niall Horan." He said with a smile. I could already picture a friendship between me and this kid, he seemed fun.

"I'm Liam Payne, and this is my girlfriend Sophia." He grabbed her hand and they smiled at each other. She then gave a wave hi.

"I'm Cecil." The girl sitting next to Sophia said, glaring at me and her voice full of sarcasm. Okay then.

"And I'm Louis." The boy on the other side of Hailey said.

"Hello everybody, nice to meet you." I smiled at all of them, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

The rest of lunch went really good, and I found myself laughing multiple times at my new... Friends? I didn't know for sure if this was considered a friendship already. I didn't even know if they liked me. But for now this seemed like a good start.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted and ready to go back home. Today had been stressful, and I had realized how relieved I was that the lunch table didn't start questioning me. I knew eventually they would though, the closer we got, but today was just too much as is.

I walked out the front doors and started looking through my bag for my keys. I stopped on the sidewalk and kept searching when I felt a smack on my ass. I let out a small scream and turned around.

"Hi, what's your name." asked a boy with bright red hair, smirking at me.

"Don't touch me." I stated and turned to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around quickly, causing me to fall into him.

"I'm Michael, now tell me your name." He said sternly, not letting my go as I tried hard to get away from him.

"Well, Michael, I'm Cat and I said to not fucking touch me. Now let me GO!" I yelled and started wiggling and twisting trying to get out of his embrace. I lifted my knee up hard and hit him in the crotch. He let go of me immediately and I stepped away. He was bent over in pain when I bent down to whisper in his ear.

"Don't ever touch me like that again." I stood and noticed all the people outside staring at the scene before them. I quickly put my head down and started walking as fast I could to my car.

That is until I bumped right in to someone else. They put their hands on my shoulders as I looked up. It was Zayn and he was looking at me as if he were..... Concerned?

"Are you okay?" He asked intently, looking me up and down for any sign that I was hurt.

"I'm fine..." I said, staring at him. Why would this douchebag care if I was okay?

"Okay.. Um, good. Yeah good, okay I guess." He quickly changed his tone and let go of me. He said bye and walked past me before I could even process what just happened. What is that kids problem? One minute he yells at me and the next he asks if I'm okay, as if he cares? It made no sense, and I didn't care to figure out his reasoning.

I reached the car and quickly got in. Pulling out my phone, I waited for Lilah to come. I decided now would be a good time to call Harry. The phone rang twice before he picked up.

"Hello!" We both said at the same time.

"How are you? How was your first day of school? Are the people there being nice to you? Did yo-" I cut him off.

"It was good Harry, I'm good. The people here seem okay for the most part. There are a few people I don't exactly like but it's fine. It's all fine." I assured him.

"Oh okay good. I miss you Cat, I'm glad your first day went well." I smiled as he said that.

"I miss you too Harry." I told him, truly meaning it. I didn't think being away from him would be this hard.

A knock on the car window stopped me from saying anything else. It was Lilah, smiling at me.

"Harry I'll call you soon, I have to drive home now." I told him while unlocking the door for Lilah. She hopped in and threw her duffle bag in the back seat.

"Okay, drive safely, love you." He replied.

"Bye, love you too." I hung up and looked to Delilah, still smiling ear to ear.

"Love you? Jeez, are you two married?" She snorted.

"Shush, it's just Harry. Now, how was your first day?" I questioned.

"So great, it was just great. I actually think this is going to be a great thing for us!" She smiled at me.

"Well I think so too. I'm glad you are happy." I said as I put the car in drive and pulled out.

"Me too sis," She set her hand on my knee. "Me too."

Hello whoever is reading this :) sorry this update has taken me so long. I haven't had any motivation to write. If you guys wouldn't mind voting and leaving some comments, it would give me motivation to go on with this story! Love you all! ~Zoe

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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