Chapter 3 ~ New Faces, New Friends

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I pulled the Impala into the lot and parked. Delilah sighed and looked at me.

"Behave, don't embarrass yourself, and try to make friends." She smiled at me. I hate when she acts so grown up.

"Quit making me feel like a baby. I should be saying those things to you, I'm supposed to be the older and wiser one." I laid my hand on her shoulder and sighed. She really was growing up so quickly.

She wished me luck once again and jumped out of the car. I pulled my keys out and placed them in my bag. I got out and looked around at my surroundings. Lilah had already made her way to the front doors, looking back at me before going in. I noticed the kids still in the parking lot looking at me, and I groaned in annoyance. I hated being the new girl already.

I started my way towards the front doors, head down and staring at the asphalt as I walked.

"Hey new bitch!" I heard a voice yell to my right. Oh no.

I stopped and looked over to a tall, dark skinned, blue eyed, admirably gorgeous girl walking towards me. Shit shit shit shit. What did she want, what could I have done already? Did she instantly hate me like Sharpay hated Gabriella?

Wait what.

I just made a High School Musical reference. If I were her I would want to hurt me too.

"Hi," she stopped in front of me and smiled, "Nice to meet you, I'm Hailey, sorry about calling you a bitch. I wanted to get your attention."

I stared at her with me eyes wide and my mouth slightly open.

"O-oh um yeah hi hello. You definitely got my attention. But uhm, It's okay I guess. I'm I'm Catalina. You can call me Cat I guess." I managed to get out. That sounded sort of normal. I think.

Hailey let out a chuckle. "Okay, Cat, what class do you have first?"

"I have um..." I pulled my schedule out of my purse and read over it quickly. "AP Biology is my first class."

"Okay well I suck at Bio, so I don't take AP. Although, if you'd want to, you could sit with my friends and I at lunch? " she questioned me with a smile. This must be what making friends is like. It was a struggle.

"Sure I guess, your friends wouldn't mind would they? I don't want to be a bother..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"No, of course not, they are all super open to new people. Well, most of them." She laughed and gave me a playfull shove.

"Most of them?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You'll understand of you sit with us. You can't be in high school and expect there not to be a designated bitch in each group." She smiled wide with her perfect teeth. Why was this nice human talking to me in the first place.

I thought of what my mom and Lilah said about a new start. I need to really try.

"Okay yeah, sure." I smiled at her.

We walked in and continued a little bit of conversation on classes and teachers. She even pointed me in the direction of my first class. It was weird but surprisingly nice to maybe-sorta-kinda have made a friend.

I was looking down at the tiled floor, smiling to myself when I collided head on to a person standing in my way. I fell back and landed on my bum, knocking the other person over slightly but not enough to knock them off balance.

The boy turned around and glared at me.

"Watch where you're walking, that way you won't fucking run into somebody." He quickly pulled me up and pulled his hand away immediately.

"I'm sorry, maybe you shouldn't stand in the middle of the hallway when people are trying to go to class." I spit back at him.

He looked me up and down, eyebrows scrunched together. While he checked me out, I did the same. He had tattoos slightly visible with the form-fitting, black, long sleeved shirt he had on. He had black skinny jeans on and black boots. I looked back up at his face. He was undeniably attractive. Very fucking attractive. I scanned down his body once more-

"My eyes are up here." He smirked and I felt my cheeks flush slightly. "Are you new? "

"Wow Sherlock, how did you deduce that one?" I asked in a shocked expression. He just looked back at me, bored.

"I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik." He introduced himself with another smirk.

"I'm Cat." I dead panned.

"Well I guess I'll be seeing you around then, Cat." He began to walk the opposite way but stopped beside me.

"Well, if I'm lucky." He whispered in my ear. He proceeded to walk away without another word.

Well this Zayn character seemed interesting enough. He seemed like the usual bad boy, but beneath what I could tell were brown eyes, he seemed to have something else to him. Something a bit off, and for some reason I hoped I wouldn't seem much of Zayn Malik. Well, if I was lucky.

A/N Hellllooooo! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. 5 votes and 5 comments for the next update? Is that too much to ask? Please and thank you! Love you guys!


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