Chapter 10

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Spluttering ever so slightly at the amount of wind blowing into my face, I brace myself as I begin to get closer to the Telmerine castle. As it does, I realise how bland it appears - looking rather grey and dull in comparison to Cair Paravell. Despite this, it towers over the jagged rocks and crushing waves of the ocean - almost appearing upon an island with such a large bridge leading to the gate. A sudden jolt forward brings my attention away from the castle and towards Antheia, the female griffin whom is carrying me above the clouds in her rather sharp claws. Apparently this was the plan that I just happened to miss - flying into the castle upon griffins in order to remain undetected. Whilst I must admit it is rather genius, I still have an awful feeling about tonight. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Edmund flying beside me with a slight grin dancing upon his face - no doubt enjoying this new experience. I shake my head in pure fondness before realising just how close the castle is becoming - the turrets awfully detailed and the sharp edges rather evident. There is no comfort here at all, that much is obvious. As a tower looms closer in the darkness, I brace myself for impact - knowing that as soon as I land, there is no turning back from this. Antheia places me rather delicately upon the roof before flying away into the darkness, no doubt ushering back to the rest of the troops in the forest. As I watch her disappear, I hear a loud scream of fear suddenly echo out into the sky - Edmund's griffin flying away with a Telmerine in his claws. Rolling my eyes, I jump down onto the tower balcony beside Edmund - ignoring the wide smirk dancing on his lips. Instead, I focus on the size of the castle which is rather bigger than I had anticipated. Then again, the Telmerine's were always rather dramatic and extravagant. All of a sudden, a blinding light catches my attention - the brightness causing me to wince yet sigh in anticipation. It doesn't take long before more griffins begin to fly into the castle's vicinity - each holding someone in their talons. They fly past Edmund and I, each having different expressions upon their faces. Andrew and Peter appear quite determined, compared to Susan and Caspian - both of whom look rather sceptical and apprehensive. Trumpkin, however, already looks done with this raid and appears as though he would rather be back at the How with his friends - Nikabrik and Trufflehunter both opting to stay behind. Sighing, I watch with unsure eyes as the small group land upon an opened walkway - knocking guards unconscious or killing them instantly before disappearing into the castle. I believe they're making their way toward Caspian's tutor, Professor Cornelius, for he is the only one that is accepting of us. From the stories Caspian shared, he has taken the role of Caspian's father in the aspect of teaching him - giving him the kindness towards Narnian's he has today. Suddenly, I hear a loud sigh followed by a flop against concrete - my eyes drawn towards Edmund with a small smile. 

"Now all we do is wait."

He mutters loud enough for myself to understand him yet quiet enough for our position to be uncompromised. The bored expression upon his face and his squished cheek against his fist almost makes me swoon, yet I hold myself together in order to grip my looking scope in my hand. I wave it around in a childish manner, catching Edmund's attention.

"You brought that?"

I raise an eyebrow in a questioning manner before nodding, wondering why he would even ask something like this.  

"Of course! Did you honestly think I'd let Peter and Andrew do this massive raid and not keep an eye on them?"

Edmund nods in agreement before getting rather comfortable on the ground - myself following his movements. I place my quiver onto the ground and plonk beside it hastily before lifting my looking scope to my eyes.


The room is rather dark and cluttered, not that I am surprised - Cornelius is a Professor after all, not that different to Professor Diggory. My brother leans against a large desk in the middle of the room, flipping through a book that appears to be about us all - pictures and all. Yet he is shocked out of his admiration as Caspian lets out a soft sigh - his face rather solemn and eyes wide with worry.

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