Chapter nineteen

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Tamel didn't know why he was being treated like the culprit when he was actually the victim this time but that was how life was. He was still the notorious MeloDrama. So that meant that whatever happened to him or by him was because of him. He just wanted this stupid interrogation to be over so he could get some sleep and plan his next move.

The two dumb detectives they sent in to talk to him was two he dealt with before on previous matters. McCarthy and Adams. Two Irish motherfuckers that loved to talk fast and try to make you feel like they're your friend and your best way out of a jam. But Tamel wasn't in a jam so he was waiting out their routine until his lawyer showed up so he could throw up the deuces like he did the last time he was.

He didn't know where they took Charmaine but he would find out as soon as he got out so he wasn't worried about that either. He knew Train was in another room as well as some other patrons and his bouncers. But he knew they all knew the code of the street so he knew they were all doing what he was doing: biding time.

Tamel did his usual thumb solo on the desk as he listened to the two jackasses talk.

"I don't get it," that was Adams talking. He was a tall and fit man that looked like he ate whole wheat and soy products all his life. He had a comforting face which is why he usually was able to get criminals to turn but Tamel had been through the system too long to let anyone get the best of him. "You're the most feared and dangerous man from what I hear. And yet, this girl was able to get to drop on you. That's amazing to me. You know it won't take long before word gets around and everybody is going to want to get a piece of the Drama King here."

McCarthy laughed. Tamel looked at him. McCarthy was the complete opposite of his partner in every way. He was short and chubby and looked like beer and corn dogs was his best friend. Tamel hated him. McCarthy just gave off an odor he didn't like. It was a stench that made Tamel's stomach turn and he couldn't wait to get out of that stuffy room so he could breathe good pig free air.

"Look if you need protection from little red riding hood, let us know, maybe we can work something out," Adams said. "I mean the way I hear it, she had you cornered. They had to bust the door down. I think she just might come back to finish the job."

Tamel said nothing.

McCarthy had a manila folder in his hand and he placed it on the table in front of Tamel.

"Could your killer been the daughter of the man whose shop you burnt down?" McCarthy opened the folder to show him pictures of burnt remains of what looked like a store, Tamel wasn't sure.

"Where you getting this from?" Tamel asked looking at the pictures. "Fires happen all the time in the hood. We need to have more Smokey the Bear commercials and billboards down there."

"That's forest fires, you jackass," McCarthy snapped.

"Whatever," Tamel said pushing back the folder. "What does any of these have to do with me."

"We get a call about a fire and then about heading down to your club," McCarthy informed. "Coincidence. I think not. I think someone knew what you planned on doing and finally decided to rat you out."

Tamel didn't seemed fazed. In fact, he yawned.

"And?" Tamel twirled his index finger around indicating to them to either finish or wrap it up.

"You think you're really this tough and bad asshole," McCarthy said. "Well, you're not. I seen hundred of punk motherfuckers just like you think they were better than the department, better than me. And all of them are either in one of our lovely correctional institutes or in the ground being eaten out by worms.  Now, I don't know how long your luck is going to last but it won't be for long. A person not old enough to drink just put a hit on you and almost delivered. I don't know about you but when shit like that happens. I assume time and luck is running out."

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