You're fault.

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He cautiously stepped along the corridor whispering, "Mom?... Mom?"

He walked into the kitchen, the lights were all off. He flicked the switch, no response, the lights were out. He gulped audibly before creeping upstairs, he saw a faint light from his mother's room.

His hand was trembling and sweat dripped from his hair, the anonymous light just about reached the firm white door of which was barely open. He slowly pushed the door open a little more and dropped his bag, he fell to his knees gasping weakly. He quickly slammed a hand to his mouth before throwing up the contents of his stomach, he placed one hand firmly on the floor for balance as he cried and panicked.

He slowly looked back up seeing his mom lay on the bed...empty pill packet beside her and a rope around her neck that followed to the ceiling. He slowly used the door frame to climb up to his feet, he walked over and hugged his mother tears falling from his tightly closed eyes, he loudly cried out, "MOOOOOOOOOOOM! NOOOOOOOO! Mom...Mom...Wake up...Mom...Come on...I brought your won't be sad!"



He hugged his mom balling for hours until he finally wiped his tears and fetched a step ladder, he pulled the rope from around her bruised neck and brought her to the bed. He lay her down and cleared the bed and placed a blanket over her kissing her forehead, "Good, I love you."

He collected a few things and left the house. He hated it but...he'd have to face his father. He caused this. He deserved nothing short of a slow agonising death.

He walked towards UA anger surrounding him like an evil aura, he walked past the gate guard and power walked towards his officer blood on his face and fists.

He glared at the door before pushing it open, he found Allmight sat in his chair with another boy sat opposite him...Kacchan?

He glared angrily, "Where's Toshinori?"

"Ah, you're Toshinori's boy, why do want to see him?"


Bakugo looked at him completely lost, nerdy little Allmight obsessed Deku was shouting at him, covered in blood...what the fuck?...

Allmight stood up defensively, "He's not available right now..."


Allmight narrowed his gaze, this boy was out of control. He needed to tame his son.

"Izuku. You need to calm down."


"Bakugo, I think you should leave now..."

Bakugo stood up silently as he tried to pass by Izuku he got an idea. Izuku snapped around holding Bakugo against the wall with a knife to his throat, "WHERE'S MY FATHER! BRING HIM HERE RIGHT NOW!"

Bakugo gulped hard, what was wrong with the Nerd? he was psycho.

Bakugo had both hands up in fear of him waiting for a chance to turn the situation.

Allmight held both hands up too, what happened to his son?

He slowly walked past him, "I'll go get him...okay? Just...put the knife down and let my student go..."

He pressed the knife against his skin threateningly, "okay...okay...I'll be right back..."

He left the room taking a deep breath, he was probably going to attack him again.

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