Chapter 1: Xander

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The ship lurched forward and Xander fell face first onto the controls.

"That was a very nice fall, sir," the male voice of the AI system said. "Would you like me to send the video recording to Miss Zaria?"

"No!" he shouted as he got up and started fumbling with the control panel. "No, Hector, we will not be sending any video recordings to Zaria. We need to get out of here! Are the thrusters at full power?"

"Yes, sir. Thrusters are at full power and ready for flight."

"Good. Start up the artificial gravity and start pumping in the oxygen. Prep the ship for space mode in two minutes," Xander commanded as he sat down in the pilot seat and was flipping switches and buttons without even thinking.

Five years ago, if you told Xander he would become the most famous pilot in the Galactical Empire, he would've laughed in your face. Now, here he was, flying his ship away from the last remains of the tyrannical Zeldanian Empire.

King Zeldan rose to power and defeated nearly all of the galaxy and forced them into his rule in less than two years. His Empire was strong and mighty, but tyrannical. His allies were living the most lavish of lifestyles while everyone else was left to fend for themselves and dying of starvation. The Galactical Empire fought back to restore the democracy and peace that was founded in Earth and spread across the universe. However, they weren't able to accomplish much until one of their allies assassinated King Zeldan before taking his main source of power: the Prism of Virtue.

The Prism of Virtue is an ancient artifact from another dimension that could burn an army but would not harm the holder. It got its name from its ability to cause great confusion and warp the minds of those who try to possess its power. Nevertheless, King Zeldan still used it. None of the planets stood a chance against the Zeldanian Empire until King Zeldan was assassinated and the Prism lost. 

Since then Xander and his partner, Zaria, have fought to defeat the rest of the Zeldanian forces and wipe out the last traces of the Zeldanian Empire once and for all. Through the midst of it, they became the best fighters of the Galactic Empire. No wonder his older brother Andrew was always jealous.

Now Xander was flying away from the last Zeldanian outpost in the galaxy. Xander shot into the sky as his ship went in full speed away from the small, artificial planet. No other ships followed him as he disabled them all, leaving only the cannons trying to shoot after him.

Xander looked back at the planet and estimated the distance before saying, "Pull the trigger."

"Yes, sir," Hector answered. The planet exploded. After a few moments, Hector spoke again, "All remains are gone or no longer usable, sir."

Xander nodded before he pulled up a report that held all the information of his and Zaria's missions the past five years. He smiled before taking out a key and pushing it into a lock and turning it. The report was sent back to Command, marking the end of his mission.

The last trace of the Zeldanian Empire was gone, all his work for the past five years was over. The galaxy was finally free. Most important of all, it was his turn to kick back and celebrate.

Little did he know that it was only the beginning...

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