Part Three-Up All Night

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Around midnight Juliette excused herself to go to the bathroom. There she took a few minutes to really let it all sink in. She was bowling with One Direction! And they were all getting along really well. And on top of all of that Harry really seemed to be into her. Juliette studied her reflection in the mirror; she saw her plain outfit and messy hair. Harry Styles is into me, she thought, how did this happen? Juliette checked her phone for the first time all day; she had tons of messages from her roommates and friends asking where she was. It wasn’t like her to disappear all day and not be responding to their messages. Especially since it was Saturday and she usually spent it with her friends. She quickly responded to all of them saying, “Spending the day with friends, don’t wait up for me”. She was being purposely vague. She couldn’t explain what was happening via text, and she secretly wanted to keep this for herself for the moment. She rejoined the boys for a couple more rounds of bowling. When they finally got tired of bowling it was around 1am.

All six of them were reluctant for the night to end. The boys had rehearsal the next day, but because it was Sunday they had time to sleep in. As they walked out of the bowling alley Louis asked if there were any all night movie theaters around. And lucky for them there was, a few miles away there was a tiny movie theater that only showed one movie a week, but they played it 24/7. So they all jumped in the car and headed off. Juliette sat on Harry's lap again, but this time she curled her legs underneath her and laid her head on his shoulder.

Harry could smell her shampoo, strawberries and vanilla. He wrapped his arms around her and wished that the car ride was longer. He loved the feeling of her curled up on his lap. He could feel her warm breath on his neck. If he wasn’t in the car with all the boys he would take her chin with his hand and lift up her face to meet his lips. But as much as he wanted to kiss her, he did not want their first kiss to be in front of the lads, he wanted it to be special and private. All too soon they arrived at the theater. They untangled themselves and climbed out of the car. The film playing was a comedy that none of them had ever heard of. They all grabbed soda and popcorn and settled in to enjoy the film. They were the only ones in the theater, so they were loudly laughing and talking the whole time. Harry laced his fingers with Juliette’s, he wasn’t sure why, but he liked to always to be connected to her in some way.

The feel of Harry's hand in hers was beginning to feel like the most natural thing in the world. Juliette like how he was always taking her hand. She could count on the fact that at any available moment she would feel his hand slipping into hers. His hands were soft and warm and fit nicely in hers. Harry brought their joined hands to rest on his leg. His free hand stroked up and down her arm, driving her crazy. The movie was hilarious but she could barely concentrate. She would hear Niall’s wonderful laugh and realize she had no idea what was going on. This was insane, how did he have this effect on her simply by holding her hand and rubbing her arm. She had never felt like this with any other boy. She knew this feeling had nothing to do with the fact that he was Harry Styles. Ten minutes after meeting him she had stopped thinking of him as the famous boy from One Direction and started thinking of him as a sweet, amazing, wonderful boy. Juliette’s hand tightened in Harry’s and he returned the pressure, neither of them ever wanting to let go.

It was around 3am when the movie ended. They were all starting to feel really tired, but they decided to go out for ice cream before they headed their separate ways. While they were eating the boys finally discovered that Juliette was attending their concert on Monday. Harry excitedly asked her where she was sitting. She replied that she was up in the 300 level. Zayn immediately shook his head.

“That will never do, no friend of ours will sit up in the 300 level.” Juliette replied that she was perfectly fine with those seats, but those boys continued to argue with her.

“We can get you and all of your friends amazing seats” Liam assured her.

“And backstage passes” Said Niall.

“Your friends would love you forever” Louis mentioned. But it was Harry that really made up Juliette’s mind.

“It would mean the world to me if I could see you there in the audience.” At this Juliette agreed and the boys all cheered. It just happened that she was going with four other friends. And although each of them loved all of the boys, they all happened to have one boy who was their top dating choice. Five single girls, five single guys, hmmm, might be fate. A little while later they had all finished their ice cream except for Liam, he could possibly be the slowest ice cream eater on the planet. They boys were all heckling him about this, in response Liam poured his cone on Louis head and then ran away when Louis got up to chase him. Juliette, Niall, Harry, and Zayn were all laughing so hard they could barely breathe. It was that time of the night were they were all so tired that everything seemed funnier. Niall was laughing so hard that he fell out of his chair, which brought on another fit of laughing. Just as they had all calmed down Liam and Louis came back. Louis hair was all matted from the ice cream but Liam had it all over his face. They looked like they had been rolling around on the ground. The sight of them left the others in hysterics. They looked at each other and joined in on the laughter. Juliette suddenly realized that she didn’t want this night to end. After Monday the boys would be continuing their tour of America and she might never see them again. She stopped laughing and looked at Harry. The thought of not seeing him again hurt most of all.

Harry returned her look, thinking something similar. Only he was determined to create something permanent with Juliette. Over the night his simply crush had developed into something deeper. He wanted Juliette to be his, and the thought of leaving her sent pain shooting through him. But as he was looking into her eyes with the boys laughing all around them he pledged that he would make it work.

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