Part Five-Back To Reality

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Juliette could not attend the boy’s rehearsal so Harry took her back to her dorm room. Well he actually stopped a few blocks away from campus because they did not want to be seen together. That was drama that neither of them needed in their life. Juliette had been strangely quiet on the ride back, and when Harry turned off the car they both just sat there not saying anything. Juliette desperately wanted to ask him what was going to happen now, and what they meant to each other. But she was afraid she wouldn’t like the answer, she didn’t want to be one of his flings that were forgotten as soon as he left the city, so she just stayed silent. Harry on the other hand was trying to figure out how to properly express his feelings. He liked her so much and wanted to go out on a real date. Finally Juliette couldn’t stand the silence anymore. She started to get out of the car. But Harry grabbed her hand to stop her. He looked like he had something to say so she sat back down and closed the door.

“Juliette, I really like you, more than should be possible in this short amount of time.” He began, and Juliette met his eyes in surprise. “Erm, I want to go out on a real date with you tonight…” He trailed off and looked at her slightly nervously. Juliette couldn’t say yes fast enough. Harry told her that he would pick her up at seven. Juliette leaned over and gave him a light kiss. She started to pull away but Harry grabbed her chin in his hands. Their eyes locked and Juliette could practically hear the electricity in the air. Her blue orbs were locked on Harry’s as his face slowly inched his face closer. Finally their lips were practically touching; Juliette could feel Harry’s warm breath spreading across her face. Then suddenly he crushed his lips against hers and kissed her hard. Juliette reached up and hooked her arms around her neck. She arched her back, trying to get as close to him as was possible while they were in a car. Kissing him was addictive. She wanted more and more, she could feel his hands running up and down her back, spreading fire where ever they touched. They finally pulled apart, their breathing uneven. Juliette couldn’t stop looking at Harry who sat looking at her with those smoldering green eyes. Then finally he got out and walked around to her side of the car to help her out. She hugged him goodbye and he held her close. Before pulling away Juliette whispered in his ear that she would wear something nice. Harry groaned appreciably letting his mind imagine it. He didn’t want to let go of her waist but he reluctantly did, letting his hands skim her bum on the way down. Juliette turned to leave, but at the last second she turned back to him and kissed him on the cheek. Then she was gone. Harry couldn’t help the smile from spreading across his face. He lightly touched the spot on his cheek that was now burning with the feel of her lips. He got back into the car, turned the radio up, and sang at the top of his lungs the whole way home.

As soon as Juliette entered her dorm room, her two roommates Stacey and Abigail practically pounced on her.

“Where have you been?” Stacey shouted.

“We have been texting you like crazy.” Abigail interjected

“Why haven’t you been responding?” Stacey asked.

“We have been worried sick!” Abigail complained.

“Girls, girls, relax!” Juliette said laughing, “I’m fine, but boy do I have a lot to tell you. But first we need to get Lilly and Marie in here, because I am only telling it once.” Lilly and Marie arrived shortly and they all sat down to hear Juliette’s story. She swore them to secrecy before she started, she did not want this to get out. But she knew she could trust them. They were the four girls she was going to the concert with, so she figured they would find out eventually, she wouldn’t be able to hide her feelings around Harry. So she started at the very beginning, not leaving out a single detail. When she had finally finished the girls were all silent, they just sat there staring at her. Finally Lilly spoke up,

“Please tell me this isn’t your idea of a funny practical joke. Please tell me this is a true story.”

“Guys I swear, this is a true story, and we really have front row tickets and backstage passes to tomorrow’s concert.” They clearly believed her because suddenly they all started talking at once. Asking her for more details about each one of the boys and asking her if she and Harry were dating. Juliette smiled and gave them each a painstakingly detailed description of Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam. She would save Harry for herself. And then she told them that she had a date with Harry that very night.

“OH MY GOD!” They all screamed in unison.

“It’s already five! We only have two hours to get you ready!” Exclaimed Marie. Two hours seemed like a long time to Juliette, but the other girls were a lot better at dressing up and looking pretty than she was. She preferred sweatpants to a dress every time. But she wanted to look good for Harry, so she put herself into their very capable hands.

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