Part Nine-Goodbyes

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They all decided to go back to the boy’s house and have a movie night. The girls had had enough adventure for one night. After a little debating, the five boys gave in and allowed the girls to watch a sappy romantic movie. Juliette was pleased at how well their two friend groups were meshing. Now it was obvious that they weren’t going to become five solid couples, but there did appear to be a few romances blooming. Liam and Marie in particular seemed to like each other, in a shy, cautious way. They had immediately jelled, but since both were a bit on the careful side, they were taking things slow. Right now they were sitting next to each other simply holding hands and watching the movie. The other couple that was meshing really well was Zayn and Lilly. Lilly was such a spitfire that she brought Zayn out of his shell almost immediately. Juliette had gone into the kitchen to get a glass of water and found them making out intensely. Now they were sitting in a chair with Lilly on Zayn’s lap.

As Juliette looked around the room at all ten of them, hanging out and chatting she marveled at how natural it all felt. It seemed like they had been friend for forever. Juliette felt like she had known Harry for forever. It had only been a short time but she knew she was in love with him. She could she herself being with him forever, building a family with him. But she was getting carried away. After all they had only been together for a little while and she had no idea how long distance was going to work. He lived an ocean away, and travelled frequently. He was a superstar, and Juliette was just a college girl trying to make it in the world. Their relationship shouldn’t work, but somehow it did. Juliette knew in her gut that Harry felt strongly for her and was determined to make their relationship work out. If fate was on their side they might have an honest shot at a once in a lifetime love.

Harry was currently lying on the sofa with his head in Juliette’s lap. He was trying to focus on the movie, but Juliette’s delicate hand kept lightly playing with his hair, distracting him. He turned so that he could see her face. She looked back at him intently and he wondered what she was thinking. He smiled cautiously at her and she returned it easily. Then she bent over and lightly kissed his nose. It was a simply gesture, but it sent pangs of need through Harry. Harry knew he loved Juliette, he had known ever since their very first date. When Harry had asked her to be his girlfriend he had almost let the words “I love you” slip out, but he had managed to hold them back. Last thing he wanted to do was scare her away by moving too fast. As Harry gazed up into the blue irises of the girl he loved the rest of the world faded away. When Juliette was around he felt totally at peace. Nothing could touch him. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do for three months without her.

All too soon it was time to go to bed. At 3am the group finally decided that they couldn’t put off parting any sooner. The girls had school and the boys had an interview in the morning. Before they left Liam took Marie aside. They talked for a little while and they both came back looking very pleased. Juliette gave Marie a look that informed her that she would be spilling the beans as soon as they were home. Juliette put off saying goodbye to Harry for as long as she could. She hugged each of the boys before him.

Louis first, he gave her a big bear hug and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry babe, I will keep the girls away from him.” Juliette laughed and Louis cheekily winked at her. Next she hugged Zayn and he wished her well in her classes and told her that the three months would fly by. Juliette doubted it but she smiled at Zayn and kissed her cheek. Next Juliette got to enjoy a Horan hug, the stuff of legends. Niall really did give the best hugs. He hugged her tightly and let her know that he would make sure that Harry video chatted and called her on a regular basis. Juliette gave him one last squeeze and moved on to Liam. Liam thanked her for introducing him to Marie. Juliette could tell that he really liked her and she was happy for Marie.

Finally it was time for Harry. Juliette jumped into his arms and for a while they just stood there with their arms around each other. Neither of them ever wanted to let go. Finally they pulled back just a little but kept their arms around each other. Juliette looked up at Harry and he dipped his head down for a kiss. The kiss was so sweet and felt so good that Juliette couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Harry pulled back in surprise when he felt them. He looked at her for a second, his heart breaking. Then he smashed his lips down on hers to mask his own tears. Their mouths moved hungrily and desperately. Their tongues plunged deep, soaking up every bittersweet taste and feeling.

They could hear the others making noises in protest but the couple ignored them. All they were aware of was the feel of their bodies pressed tightly together and the feel of the kiss. Harry knew he would never forget the smell or the taste of her. So sweet and flowery and feminine. He ran his hands up her back and down to her bum, trying to memorize every last inch of her. His memories of her would be all he would have over these next three months. Eventually they were pulled apart by their friends. Lilly tugged Juliette back, while Liam tugged Harry back and Zayn placed himself right between the two. Both Juliette and Harry had tears streaming down their face. Wondering how she would survive the separation Juliette walked out the door with her friends’ arms around her for support. Each step she took hit Harry like a fist in his gut. Finally Niall shut the door and as soon as she was out of sight Harry slid to the floor. Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall all sat around him and held him while he cried.

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