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Noise of the tv played in the background as I ate my cereal, the milk now turned into chocolate milk

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Noise of the tv played in the background as I ate my cereal, the milk now turned into chocolate milk. Everyone sat quietly, having their breakfast, watching the news, reading.

Suddenly, the door bell rang and the whole house erupted with even more noise. From the dogs, and my best friend shouting.

"Mariel! Hurry the fuck up!"

"Kestell mind your damn language!" Dad yelled, his face slightly red and his eyebrows scrunching together, the wrinkles on his head prominent in the brightened up room.

He grabbed his go-to cup with coffee, filled up to the brim, "I've got work now, I'll see you all tonight at the restaurant. Six o'clock right?" He asked, swiftly kissing my mother's cheek.

She nodded and smiled, kissing him back. Ew.

"Mariel, hurry up!" Kestell yelled.

My dad simply groaned and shook his head, as he walked out, she walked in. Her bright ginger hair standing out of the black kitchen tiles, she wore the same uniform as I was wearing: skirt, blazer, jumper, t-shirt and trainers. Her fair, freckled skin stood out as well as her hair, she was drop dead gorgeous.

"Ugh how do you look so good in uniform?" I groaned, picking my bag up from the floor and grabbing an apple from the fruit basket.

She giggled softly, "Thank you, but you look hot! Now c'mon, we have to go!" She said quickly, rushing me out of the door and into the outside world.

The sky seemed to look nice, hopefully it wouldn't rain today. My hair, for once, was co-operating and stayed in the ponytail.

"How was your first day yesterday?" Kestell asked, one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other laying on the gear.

I shrugged and sighed a little. "It was okay, I met someone called Blair.. she seems nice." I said.

There wasn't much to go on, I didn't actually talk to many people,mainly just kept to myself. I was planning on making more of an effort today, but my mood was simply faltering the more the time went by.

Kestell chuckled. "She is most definitely the sweetest girl at school." She agreed.

Today I was determined to make more friends, get to know more people, and prepare myself for the last year of school.

Soon enough, we made it outside school and Kestell parked in a free spot. Watching as Brandon ran up to us as we got out the car, with his hands clapping and a smile on his face. Gabriel trailing along, playing on his phone.

"Oh my goodness! You guys will never believe what happened!" He squealed excitedly, grabbing my hands and jumping up and down.

Laughing at his child like behaviour, I tried to think of any reasons for him to be this happy but none came to mind, it's like my brain was stuck in a pile of mud.

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