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Laughter filled the room; the smell of cinnamon, peppermint and black cherry

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Laughter filled the room; the smell of cinnamon, peppermint and black cherry. The Arno-Rivet family and Dickinson family sat in the living room, watching Home Alone.

Mariel sat on the front porch, lighting up the toxic cancer stick as she was on FaceTime with her best friends.

"How's everyone's Christmas eve going?" Kestell asked.

"Shit. My homophobic grandad is here and he keeps making comments. My sister has already argued with him and my mum is on the verge of sending him back to the care home." Brandon complained, taking a large swig from the bottle of wine.

Kestell and Mariel couldn't help but release a small giggle, the thought of his mother kicking the old guy out would be amazing — better to watch than any tv show or film.

"I would pay to watch Caroline to do that." Kestell chuckled. "How about you Mariel? How's it going at the Dickinson household?"

"Tell me yours because mine is a whole movie."

"Okay so my mum invited my step dads parent, he flew them in from Singapore and oh my god! They're so much better to be around than my mum's grandparents! Tomorrow we're all going ice skating, I am buzzing!" Kestell boasted, her smile reaching her eyes. "Now, tell us about yours!"

Mariel obviously had to leave a few things out — one being the flashbacks of her demonic uncle and the fact Vanessa's hand was inching further up her thigh at the dinner table, with her family and Vanessa's family.

So of course, she began with Davina rooting for their blossoming love, Josie hitting on her and getting rejected, her crying in the kitchen and Vanessa comforting her — the feeling of Vanessa's arms still an hour later lingered.

She had never been someone to enjoy hugs that much, it was a simple gesture between friends who haven't seen each other in a while. But when Vanessa's arms wrapped around the girl, she felt the voices in her head became mute. They stopped. She wished to of stayed in her arms for years, her head resting in the woman's clothed chest and the soft scent of Vanessa was intoxicating.

"Well fuck me sideways," Kestell began, groaning and sighing dramatically."Brandon I owe you twenty quid."

Brandon screamed and jumped in victory as if England had won the world cup.

"Sorry, what?" Mariel said bewilderedly.

Kestell frowned and began to speak before being interrupted. "I said that I bet 20 pounds that you will fall in love with Miss." He smirked, propping his head up with his hand, sighing dreamily. "I can get a bottle of vodka with that money!"

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