Chapter 5

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I walked away trying to fight back the tears. The first people to come up to me were Maddie and Nikkey, two people I've confided in before when I was fighting with Carly. I explained everything to them. Maddie was convinced that he did care after he actually got to know me. Nikkey didn't care if he cared about me. She was convinced that the relationship was toxic. She didn't think we'd last long anyways. I didn't know what to think. I just wanted to leave and stay in my room forever.

When school was over, I made my way straight to the bus. I could hear Trevor calling my name from behind me. He was obviously running.

"Dylan, wait," he said panting.

"I don't have time for this, or you. I need to get on the bus," I said tears coming back to my eyes.

"Don't you have practice?" he said trying to convince me to stay.

"Yes, but I'm not going," I said as Nikkey walked by.

"Ohhh, yes you are going. The team needs you. And you can leave her alone. Haven't you already done enough?" she said butting in.

"That's the problem, I haven't done enough. She needs to know the truth," Trevor responded.

"Yes, she does need to know the truth, but not right now. She'll come talk to you when she wants answers, and right now, she's got other things to worry about other than you and what you did to her," Nikkey said forcefully.

"Guy's, right here," I said.

"Now, let's get you to practice. Stay with me and I won't let anyone get to you," Nikkey said as we walked away to the cafeteria. Trevor walked away to go to the room to change for practice.

"Thanks, Nikkey. I'm not changing for practice though," I told her.

"That's fine. I'm sure Coach will understand," she said reassuring me.

"I hope. I mean, this is the last place I want to be," I told Nikkey.

Once our coach got there I told her what had happened and she said that it was fine if I didn't want to practice today but tomorrow I had to. I agreed with her. Whenever the boys would come into the cafeteria, I wouldn't look, but Nikkey and Maddie would look for me. They both said that he looked at me every time. They could see the sorrow in his eyes. Maybe it's for the better that he felt bad for what he did. Maybe we weren't really meant to be.

When practice was over, I talked to Nikkey and Maddie. They both said that if Trevor offered, and if I wanted to, that I should have him take me home and listen to what he has to say. Once I picked up my phone, I got a text from Trevor.

"If you'd like to hear what I'd like to say about what happened, wait for me after practice. I understand if you don't want to hear anything right now, but please Dylan, I need to explain. I hope I see you after practice. I'll give you a ride home too."

I sat for 10 minutes debating on if I should stay and listen to what he had to say or if I should just leave. I decided to stay. What harm could it do to hear what he has to say about it. I sat waiting for him sitting on the floor.

"Dylan? I didn't think you'd want to talk," Trevor said helping me up.

"Might as well, what else have I got to lose," I responded.

"Do you want to talk in the truck? Or are you hungry? I know you didn't eat lunch..." Trevor said opening the truck door for me.

"No. I don't want to eat," I told him.

"Okay," he said starting up his truck.

"Why did you do it?" I said as we got out of town.

"I made the bet not expecting you to mean anything to me. And then as I got to know you, I fell in love with you. I told Tristian to not worry about the bet before our first date. That's why I was late picking you up. I didn't want you to find out, not like that. I really do care about you Dylan. I truly do. You're my first real love. I've never felt so close to someone before without being physically close. I love you Dylan, and I understand if you don't want to be together anymore, or if you don't want to see me anymore. I will understand, but just know, I will never give up on you until you tell me you never want to see me again," he explained.

"Thank you, Trevor. Just give me some time to process all of this," I told him.

"Okay. I can do that. Thank you for listening to what I have to say," he said pulling in my driveway.

"Yeah, no problem. Thanks for the ride. Goodbye Trevor," I said stepping out of his truck and closing the door before he had time to reply to me.

I walked inside and my mom was inside waiting for me.

"Have you talked to Carly at all today?" she asked.

"I texted her and she never answered. Why?" I responded.

"Her parents called and said she ran away. Do you know why she would run away?"

"No, I don't know why. She doesn't really tell me anything anymore. Did anyone ask James?"

"Yes. He said he had no clue also."


"You're not upset about this, how come?"

"I've got a lot on my mind right now. A lot happened today at school and I'm not in the mood for anything but sleep."

"Have you ate yet?"

"No, and I'm not hungry."

"Okay, well I'm always here if you want to talk."

"I know. Thanks, mom."

"Your welcome."

When I got to my room I decided I was going to take a shower. It was the only place I knew I'd be totally secluded from people and they wouldn't hear me cry. I've held it in this long, I needed a break. I sat down in the shower and bawled and bawled. Once I was done crying, I washed my hair and body then got out. I walked into my room with my robe around myself. I dried off and got changed.

I checked my phone for the first time since I got done with practice. I had a bunch of messages from my mom. She actually thought I had run away. My life is bad, but not that bad. I also got another text. A text from Trevor.

"I made it home okay if you were wondering. The truck is fine, but I'm not. Goodnight Dylan."

The message kind of made me sick. He not only hurt me, but he hurt himself in the process. Him hurting me hurt him. Him seeing me hurt hurts him. I pushed the message out of my mind and decided it would be best if I went to sleep. Tomorrow was a new day, and I didn't know how it was going to go.

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