New Tragic Beginnings

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The Vagabond hated the Fake AH Crew. All their heists had failed and even his did even if it was foolproof. Sure, he may have been getting paid anyway but going through all these heists was bothersome.

The Golden Boy would always mess up in some sort of way. Blow something up too early so the police were altered or he'd get seriously injured which would take away the attention of the most important member. It always pissed The Vagabond off.

Mogar was pretty dead set on getting things done. He'd slip up every now and again just because he was put on the wrong job. It's like the crew didn't know each other and always assigned different people to the skillset they were the shittest at. One time Mogar had to hack and well let's just say they spent the night in a jail cell.

Lil J had run over an important person in one of the heists and then just laughed about it. He also would bring all these stupid monster trucks in that don't need to be there. Their cover had been blown multiple times because of the rev of a monster truck engine.

Then The Boss, he was the worst, sure he was the boss but he couldn't shoot for shit. He'd miss by a centimeter or even a whole mile. He always ran into shit and everyone swore when their cover was blown by a mile of wreckage because the boss doesn't know how to drive. You'd think an older man would know but that hadn't been the case. Ryan always wanted to cuss him out because of it but he never did since he was afraid his income wouldn't be there anymore. He still had to make a living.

Then there was The Jetfighter. She was elegant in a sense. All around the perfect pilot and she had a great fashion sense. Her hair was always perfect after she took off her pilot helmet and he'd always swoon. Hell, she wore a Hawaiian shirt most of the time and she made it look so good. She was flawless.

But the one thing that pissed him off the most was that The Golden Boy always held most of her attention. Either he got in trouble or injured and she'd drop everything to help him. Her voice would go all soft as she constantly asked him if he was okay then her lips would touch that tan skin. Sure, they had been together for a long time but it still made Ryan pissed off.

He rubbed a hand over his face as they were in the briefing room yet again for another heist. He glanced over to Gavin and Jack just to see them whispering to each other with smiles.

He knew they had been dating for several years but that didn't mean you brought it into a crew. That was just calling for trouble.

He slammed his hand down on the counter with a growl and he threw his mask on the ground. The leather hitting the ground made The Vagabond clench his teeth.

Most of the crew had looked at him and he apologized then bent down to grab his mask. He mumbled a farewell then left the room.

He just wanted her attention but never got it. He was going to figure out a way to get it though because he was fed up with her not giving him attention. He deserved it because he was better than any Golden Boy.


"Gavin you really need to be more careful," Jack spoke from their shared bathroom.

"I know love. I'm sorry." Gavin was in the shared king sized bed.

He had let Jack strip him down to his golden boxers when they got in. Because he had been stupid and got in the way of flying bullets for her. Most of them missed him fortunately but that didn't mean it still didn't worry Jack.

She was frantic and was panicking as she tended to his wounds. The cuts and bullet wounds were all much deeper than she expected. They were deeper then Gavin remembered. He thought most of them had skimmed him but he had been wrong. He saw it made her worry way more than Gavin wanted her to. He pursed his lips to keep himself from saying something stupid though he'd have to break her heart sooner or later.

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