Falling Face First into the Boss

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Karen Travis wiped the palms of her hands on her dark wash jeans. Her long slim fingers drummed on her thigh as the elevator continued up. Kay hates elevators.

 Tapping her fingers was her nervous tic and she knew it but hadn't yet been able to break away from doing it. Only a few people have enough knowledge and ability to see nervous tics. 

Unfortunately, the job she was applying for was full of people who were trained for just that.

Kay looked down at her purple converse tennis-shoes and sighed. She shouldn't be this nervous, it's not like she hasn't done a job like this before. Maybe it's just a hope for a better future that's making her anxious. After all she was counting on this being the break she needed. Her elevator dinged and she walked out still looking at the floor.

Which was a big mistake.

Imagine this, a girl with little coordination who's not paying attention to her surroundings and a bunch of career type people with purposeful strides coming towards her from all angles. Kay yelped as she bumped into someone and tripped over her own feet. She braced herself for the hard impact of the floor that was surely to come. Except it didn't come, and she had been grabbed by a pair of large hands.

"Am I dead?" She asked. Her eyes still squeezed shut.

"No, I assure you, you are very much alive." She looked up into a pair of big brown eyes all crinkled up in confusion and amusement. She stood back up and smiled at the handsome man in the full piece suit.

First of all, did I just as if I was dead? Second of all, Gorgeous Alert! All units to battle stations!

"Sorry for uh landing on you. I'm Agent Karen Travis and I'm looking for SSA Aaron Hotchner," Kay said shyly tucking a piece of her brown hair behind her ear.

He quirked an eyebrow at her, "It's nice to meet you Agent Travis, I'm Aaron Hotchner what can I do for you?" Her eyes widened and she blushed every color red imaginable.

Oh very nice Kay. Trip over your boss the first time you meet him, that's just wonderful.

"Oh um Agent Hotchner sir I'm so sorry uh wow I really know how to make a first impression don't I? Gee sir I didn't know I-."

"Hey, Karen is it? It's okay really. Call me Hotch," He said cutting her off.

Some one is going to need to get a mop to wipe up all the drool she's pooling onto the floor right now.

She stopped her rambling and he smiled at the pink tint still present in her cheeks.
"Call me Kay and I'm here because I've been transferred to your unit."

She smiled at the handsome Agent, "I'm your new girl."

You Make Me Smile (Hotch Fanfic) *Completed* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now